1) MEMBRANE DISTILLATION Membrane distillation (MD) is one of the membrane-based separation processes. The driving force for MD processes is the vapor pressure difference across the membrane which is created by applying temperature on feed side. Though the development of membrane distillation has been started since 1960s and many reported studies have been published, MD has gained little acceptance in industry or practice and is yet to be implemented in large scale. Its limitations over other membrane based processes like Reverse Osmosis (RO) makes MD less preferable. This report mainly concentrates the principle of MD, its limitations over other processes and, how to implement MD industrially and what are the factors that hinder MD applications and in what ways we can solve those obstructions. 1.1 Motivation to improve efficiency of MD: According to a report on “environmental regulation” in remote areas, conventional desalination processes cannot be applied, due to insufficient infrastructure and energy supply. We can use Reverse Osmosis …show more content…
Efforts to enhance both heat efficiency and mass transfer (optimizing process condition and module and spacer design as well as manufacturing specific membrane for MD) and to solve the existing problem such as fouling can only improve the performance of MD.Possible ways to implement MD industrially is to improve the MD performance through increased mass flux and decreased energy consumption. Certain process conditions and membrane characteristics should be paid attention to improve the efficiency of Membrane
Introduction: The purpose of this experiment was to isolate eugenol or clove oil from cloves using steam distillation and determine whether it is an efficient way to carry out this experiment. Also, TLC and 1H NMR were preformed to analyze the purity of the isolated eugenol.
In a practical application, fractional distillation could be used in environmental chemistry in order to
Distillation: the purification of an organic liquid compound utilizing each’s boiling points, along with evaporation and condensation.
Since fresh pure sea water is not readily accessible, the easiest water source for the majority of hobbyists is the faucet. However, the tap water that comes from the local water treatment plants may be safe for human consumption but is most likely toxic to marine life. Water treatment plants remove most of the harmful chemicals, but the water delivered is anything but pure. Often this tap water contains high levels of phosphates and nitrates that can be harmful to aquarium inhabitants. Also, copper may leach from pipes, and it is deadly to marine invertebrates (Goldstein 8). This leaves very few options for water to the hobbyist. One of the last, and probably the best option for obtaining a pure water source is by using reverse osmosis water.
Michael P. Broadribb, C. (2006). Institution of Chemical Engineers . Retrieved July 26, 2010, from IChemE: http://cms.icheme.org/mainwebsite/resources/document/lpb192pg003.pdf
Rum is an alcoholic spirit distilled in one of two ways: either from molasses as part of the sugar-making process (known as Rum Industrial) or from the sugarcane juice itself (Rhum Agricole and Cachaca). Rum can only be made in countries that grow sugarcane.
The key stakeholders are Peter Vyas, the manager of filtration unit and Cynthia Jackson who is the vice president of water management division. Vyas was convinced that the survival of the unit depended upon innovative growth and thus he appointed a technology evaluation team with the responsibility of using technology to solve the problem of obtaining clean water in remote regions, by developing a small-scale oxidation system that enabled waste-water disinfection in small batches. His utmost concern is the technological aspect of developing the product. On the other hand, Cynthia’s perspective was shaped by the marketing angle of the product. She recommended the development of future proposals using a rigorous three phase process which links the markets analysis and technological development to busines...
Mercer, Dave. "Desal Or Not To Desal? The Desalination Debate In Australia." Geodate 21.2 (2008): 5-7. Academic Search Complete. Web. 2 Dec. 2013.
... of films on liquids” (12). What things are larger than 1 Angstrom? A few are bacteria, viruses, organic matters and small planktonic organisms but we will get into this later (1). When the membranes separate two water types, water molecules pass from the less concentrated zone into the more concentrated zone in order to balance ionic forces. To reverse the natural flow of water through the membrane, pressure greater than osmotic pressure has to be applied on the concentrated solution. Providing pressures from 70 to 84 bars, 40 to 60% of seawater or brackish water is converted into fresh water by reverse osmosis. The influent saline solution is divided into two phases. Permeate is the first which is the fresh water free of particulates and dissolved impurities and the second is the concentrate stream which is brine enriched with suspended and dissolved solids (1).
Yamamoto K, Hiasa M, Mahmood T, Matsuo T. Direct solid±liquid separation using hollow fibre membrane in an activated sludge aeration tank. Water Sci Technol 1989;21:43±54.
... temperature of 112 0C also and a pressure 2.5 bar. Cooling water is used to condense the vapor exiting column. Remaining methane and hydrogen are separated in reflux drum where the vapor stream is combined with other gases streams. The overhead of first and second separator are combined to form fuel gas. The liquid stream exiting in the bottoms of the reflux drum is pumped at pressure of 3.3 bar for discharging pressure. The pump stream is separated in two streams. One stream is to feed to tray one of the column and the other one stream is cooled down to 38 0C in heat exchanger. Then, the cooled product stream is sent to storage.
Živković, Snežana; Takić, Ljiljana; Živković, Nenad UNAPREĐENJE EKOLOŠKIH PERFORMANSI PRIMENOM STANDARDA ISO 14001 - STUDIJA SLUČAJ.. Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly. 2013, Vol. 19 Issue 4, p541-552. 12p. DOI: 10.2298/CICEQ120513088Z. ,
The average human can not live any longer than three days without water. Many of the world’s fresh water sources are running dry or are being contaminated, particularly in developing nations, leaving many without safe water to drink. Only two and a half percent of the Earth’s water is freshwater, and less than one percent is accessible by humans (not tied up in ice caps). This one percent of the Earth’s water supply is expected to sustain a population of over 7 billion people, each needing 2.6 liters a day to remain fully healthy, plus all of the water required for agriculture and industry. These scenarios will only become more and more prevalent as time moves on and we consume more water. The United Nations has classified our planet as being in the midst of a global “water crisis.” Global water supply and shortages are becoming an incredibly real and serious issue, and planning for the future is key to preventing population decline due to a lack of safe drinking water. Shortages of drinking water lead to wars and serious international conflict for basic human survival needs. One of the most popularly and commonly proposed solutions to this problem is to create seawater desalination plants to remove salt from ocean water to make it safe to drink. These water desalination plants, however, are not a viable option to carry us in to the future due to their potentially harmful impacts and expenses.
The process of distillation has been used by humans for years to create alcoholic beverages. Distillation is the process of boiling a pair of liquids with different boiling points and then condensing the vapors above the boiling liquid in an attempt to separate them. One might suspect that the mixed two liquids of different boiling points could be separated simply by raising the temperature to the lower boiling point of the two liquids. However, this is not the case. The two liquids “boil” together at some temperature between their two boiling points.
Water plays such an important role in our daily lives. 70% of our body is composed of water. 70% of the earth surface is also made up of water, but out of the 70%, only 1/3 of water is consumable. In fact, this amount has been continuously to decrease as more and more industries began to pollute and damage the water. For example, many toxic chemicals may be released into the water thus making the water impure. Such pollutions and damages lead the water to be contaminated and inconsumable as it may cause severe diseases. Water purification can remove all the unnecessary bacteria and viruses from the water that is hazardous for our health. Water purification may also improve the flavor and appearance of water. It removes the unpleasant odor. Therefore, water purification became one of the most useful and popular process used by people all over the world today. It is by far the most recommended and safest water treatment that is commonly used to purify damaged water into consumable water. Water purification provides us with safe, pure and clean water to consume and use.