Advantages And Disadvantages Of Saukamappee Tribe

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In section 4.1, “Saukamappee’s Account of the Advent of Horses and Guns to the Blackfeet” Saukamappee explains his experiences in his tribe, Piegan, to David Thompson. The war his tribe went into battle with sounded unfair in a way. Both tribes had their own advantages and disadvantages, as well as the souvenirs that the tribe intended to have. Saukamappee’s tribe had horses and guns, but the other tribe, the Shoshones, had close proximity weapons. The horses allowed Saukamappee’s tribe to travel and escape quicker from their enemies. The close proximity weapons helped the Shoshone by being able to shield themselves with them, unlike the Piegan tribe, which only had the guns to protect themselves. The guns did help the Piegan because when

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