Adaptation And Adaptation Of Literature

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Alteration/Transformation of Literature into Movies
Movies: The Art of Performing Literature
Implications, association, entanglement, involvement, connection, invoke, perform, unfold, materialize, incarnate, visualize
The American writer Dennis Lehane has rightly said that to compare movies and books is like comparing apples and giraffes. These two are completely different genres. The curious approach to compare the two, lead us to many perspectives and fruitful relationships. Movies and literature mingle/blend in such a nice way that they go on nourishing each other. And the result is a treat for receivers. We come across many adaptations of books into movies. The nature of adaptation is such that it enfolds and elaborates the same story of previous generation to the next in modern style. Many a times, the splendor of the message lies in the singer, and not the song itself. The song or the story is told again and again, till it remains alive among humans for centuries. This age old art of adaptation of literature is recreation. The story which is rejuvenated by different media and has seen various generations bears the knowledge and experience which is useful for all. While creating different forms of communication, slowly we come to the beginning of this relationship: …show more content…

Art wants dedication, vision, creativity. The success of a book or a movie lies not in rules, methods and special additions; it needs the subtlety, the finesse of those craftsmen who contribute. The fractions should lead thematically to the whole in a harmony. Genres of literature and film overlap. Each do gangster, detective, war, horror, romance, science fiction and western stories, the spy thriller, the propaganda story or the documentary, the comic and the tragic mode very well. Wide-screen effect can alter genre effect and meaning. Technical advantage has always been an important factor and was often developed by the

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