Adam Smith Selfish Greed

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History has shown that greed influences people to buy goods, to produce more, sell more and to invest more; But it is the incentive of that greedy decision that helps them to decide how, when, and why to make that choice. Both greed and incentive are different but in the same stance both are very alike. Adam Smith, a historic moral philosopher has taught people that both greed and incentives are what the economy relies on in making the choices that help structure what the economy has become today. In the same stance, he has also taught everyone that they both are the justification behind bad choices, along with why the free markets do more harm than good. To properly understand how greed plays in the economy it must be split it in two categories: Selfish, and Selfless. Everyone knows that person who buys the last 2 gallons of milk on Friday just so the person behind him can’t have it. But because as humans naturally desire to have more then what is needed they become greedy. This is called selfish greed. Now selfless greed is the part where someone takes the incentive to do something for themselves but still benefits others even if it is unintentional. Adam Smith wrote a …show more content…

Once again, it all depends on the meaning behind it. Is it to just benefit for the profits? Or is it to use those profits to invest back into helping society through advancing? Since the free market doesn’t allow the government to intervein the business department, it can be both fair and greedy. Free markets provide people with benefits of better production and not a one salary is all, this could be considered fair. Even as that is partially true, businesses in a free market tend to be more selfish then fair. Many times, in a free market environment businesses are greedier and the people below them suffer from sacrifices of safety environments and even

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