Act Score And College Acceptance Essay

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Should the ACT be a Factor of College Acceptance and Awards? College is an opportunity for students to further their knowledge and reach their goals, and an ACT score shouldn’t affect them for achieving them. The ACT score should not be the reason students don’t get accepted or how much scholarship money they should be rewarded. I believe this became an issue when colleges started determining college acceptance and scholarship awards based off a test score. A test score shouldn’t determine how a student will do in college. It’s an issue because colleges use the test scores to get an idea of the students’ academic ability to see if they will succeed at their college. This situation affects the students’ because they should have the opportunity to attend any college they apply to. This issue needs to be addressed for colleges to allow students to attend their college not based off the ACT score and award students for wanting to attend. Should the ACT score be the strongest determining factor of college acceptance and scholarship awards? No, I do not believe the ACT score should be the strongest determining factors of college acceptance and scholarship awards because the ACT score is not gonna determine the students’ college success. …show more content…

Colleges use the score to get an idea of student academic abilities. I do not believe a high or low ACT score would affect a student’s future in college. The test on the ACT is different as the test students would perform in college. Test taking in college is way more simple to prepare for because it allows students to test over material they learned rather than testing over different material and questions students never seen before. The score is not gonna determine the students work ethic and intelligence of whether they would have success in

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