Act 4 Scene 1 of William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice

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Act 4 Scene 1 of William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice

In this essay I will be explaining how this scene affects the

personalities of the characters within the scene. I will be using the

book to help me find out about changes in their attitudes towards each

other and in themselves.

The scene I will be focusing on is Act 4 Scene 1. This scene is set in

the courtroom and its four main characters are Shylock, Antonio,

Portia and Bassanio. Shylock is a wealthy Jew who demands a pound of

flesh. Antonio is who Shylock is demanding a pound of flesh from.

Portia is dressed as a Doctor of Laws and is defending Antonio.

Bassanio borrowed money from Shylock so he could marry Portia. Shylock

leant him the money under the condition that Antonio would be bound.

Bassanio borrowed three thousand ducats from the Jew and in the bond

it stated that if it was not paid back within three months he was

entitled to a pound of Antonio's flesh from his bosom.

On the day when they are in court Bassanio can actually pay Shylock

back three times what he owes him but Shylock still wants what is

stated in the bond, which is a pound of Antonio's flesh. Shylock

obviously wants Antonio dead.

This scene is a very important part in the play as it builds up

tension as the characters begin to reveal a different side of them.

In this part of the play Shylock seems to be a very evil person. He

seems very selfish at this point as although lending the money was a

good thing to do, the fact that he still wants a pound of Antonio's

flesh even though he can pay him back is cruel. Shylock believes that

he will win the case as Bassanio signed a written bond which states if

the money was not paid back at a certain time then he could have a

pound of Antonio's flesh and Antonio agreed to this.

In this scene Portia plays a very important part.

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