Acculturation Among Latino Immigrants

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Acculturation has been conceptualized as a bilinear process characterized by developing an orientation to both the dominant culture but also the culture of origin (Serrata & Fischer, 2013; Dettlaff et al., 2009, p. 4). However, acculturation is not simply a process that people go through, but rather it is part of the migration experience and thus people are very likely to experience acculturation stress. Acculturative stress results when individuals lack the necessary coping skill or means to interact and be successful in the new environment (Dettlaff et al., 2009, p.4).According to Arbona, Olvera, Rodriguez, Hagan, Linares, and Wiesner (2010) study, there are three major types of stressors among Latino immigrants: instrumental/environmental, social/interpersonal, and societal (p. 362). Instrumental/environmental stressors include challenges related to obtaining the goods and services needed for one’s daily existence. …show more content…

Leuck and Wilson (2010) found that factors such as context of migration exit, the age at the time of migration, native language proficiency need to be considered as they affect the individual’s ability to adapt to the new environment. Not much data is available on how immigrants experience acculturation stress, but what is known is that less educated and older (14+) immigrants experience high rates of (Leuck & Wilson, 2010). This acculturative stress not only has psychological implications as immigrants are very likely to experience anxiety and depression during this initial adjustment period, but it also has health implications (Martinez, McClure, Eddy, & Wilson, 2011). Martinez et al. (2011) found that for immigrant families’ the first few years in the United States, when it is expected that they would experience the steepest adjustment and most intense stress, parents of recent immigrant youth reported the highest levels of stress and more past year binge

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