Abuse Of Power During The American Revolution

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The American Revolution The American Revolution was the story of how America was born. The Royal Crown abused their power over the colonists while the Sons of Liberty and a group of colonists fought against this abuse by retaliating and rebelling in numerous ways. In the conflict known as the American Revolution, the Colonists were in the right because they were fighting for freedom over British rule and abuse of their power. The abuse of British power came to be when the Proclamation of 1763 was created to control the colonists. British taxation also took away Colonists' economic rights and made the colonists' lives miserable. No taxation without representation did not allow colonists to have a say in decisions for their own.The Quartering …show more content…

. . But many colonists were angry that after years of war, they could not expand into the Ohio River Valley. Also, the war was extremely expensive for the British. Soon, they tried to recover some of the money they had spent fighting the war by taxing the colonists. These taxes frustrated many colonists, who felt they had already done their part to contribute to British success.” The Proclamation of 1763 was created because the British wanted compensation for the land they fought for and wanted to gain money for the Ohio river valley. Furthermore, this justifies how the British used their power to control the Colonists. British taxation was a way of recouping the money from the French and Indian war and taxing all imported goods and things they used daily. The British applied the Sugar act, Currency act, Stamp act, Quartering Act,and Townshend acts which taxed imported goods,sugar, tea and paper, which made the colonies go into economic downfall. In the “Britain Parliament Passed the Intolerable Acts" article by USHistory.org, it states “The British called their responsive measures to the Boston Tea Party “the Coercive Acts.” Boston Harbor was closed to trade until the owners of the tea were …show more content…

Town meetings were banned, and the authority of the royal governor was increased.”This led to financial burden over the colonists leading them to be very poor and angry. Furthermore, this showed how this was another way to control the colonies. No taxation without representation was the quote that the colonists came up with to show that their ideas were not getting heard and were getting controlled and rules were being applied leaving room for colonists to have a say in the rules.These rules were called the Intolerable Acts were unfair to the colonists and the colonists rebelled by meeting in secret to discuss British rule and how unfair it is to them, these were called meeting houses.In the textbook We the People: The Citizen & The Constitution written by CharlesQuigley, it states on page 59 “The colon should only be passed by colonial legislatures, no taxation without representation.” Therefore the colonists should have had a say in if these taxes and rules were fair to them or

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