Abraham Lincoln: The Great Emancipator

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Out of all of the great president to take office, very few have left their mark on histor in the nation. Few have made a revolutionary decision that would change the course of history not only in the country, but in the world as it was. This revolutionary decision was that of the Emancipation Proclimation, made by the entitled "The Great Emancipator," Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was one of the greatest president in americsan history because he not only transformed the nation by freeing slaves and making their dreams a reality, but also the fact that he made an active attempt to stay unbiased within his position by listening to the opposing parties and what they desired as well.

Although Abraham was a great and revolutionary …show more content…

Lincoln's strength to stand by what his morals were "made it possible for America to find its way through the civil war" (The Great Emancipator 3). This stand by his morals allowed him to bring the country back together when the war was finally over- something that could have split the country in two, even after all they've been through. One of the most well-known morals and ideals that Lincoln contained was his opposition to slavery and his determination to abolish the very presence of it. This mindset was uncommon at the time, and made all of his efforts even more difficult than they had previously been. When Lincoln finally issued the Emancipation Proclamation , it revolutionized the thoughts and beliefs of not only the nation, but the worlds itself. Shortly after his death, the Thirteenth through Fifteenth amendments were officially ratified, bannoing and ending slavery permanently. Lincoln not only had an impact on the slavery ambolishment, but he also had an open mind with his presidential decisions, as he had a coucil entitled "the loyal party" that would tell him what problems the other parties were facing, as to prevent his term from becoming "one-sided and insulated form the American people"," giving him the ability to be flexible witht the peope and hear what they have to say, instead of just oging off of one general opinion, makeing hima truly great leader (The Great Emancipator

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