Abortion Persuasive Speech

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Imagine for a minute that you and your husband have been faithfully trying to have a child. After several attempts, you are successful. A small being finally begins blooming inside of you. After nearly three months of pregnancy, you go to your doctor for the regular checkup to test the current development of the baby. The doctor explains to you that there is a new screening test that is being done to more accurately test the developing fetus’ health. This test determines whether the baby will be born with a disability, disease or some other type of impairment. She states it is very common, accurate and safe. Being the young, loving, nervous parents that you are, agree to it. What harm can it do? If the test comes back positive for a disorder, however, such as Down syndrome, you are left to make a very difficult situation. Will you carry the baby to term, even though he will be born unhealthy or do you abort the fetus, therefore saving it from a life of pain? Many couples are in this same exact boat, and most of …show more content…

Abortion has been around for years, but never to the extent as it is today. Thinking back to the illustration presented above, the desire to have “perfect children” has never been stronger. The desire to “play God” in the area of offspring and reproduction is one of great influence in today’s culture. Mental illness is one of the biggest restrictions to that desire, more specifically Down syndrome (DS). One article in the Huffington Post states, “About three percent of babies in the United States are born with a major structural or genetic birth defect” (www.huffingtonpost.com, 2014). From that statistic, another source from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention writes that, “each year about 6,000 babies are born with Down syndrome” (www.cdc.gov, 2014). Thus, making it the most common genetic

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