Abortion: Is It Worth Raising A Child?

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If someone wants an abortion it is because they are incapable of raising a child, whether it be financially or emotionally. Parenthood is not for everyone so why try and force it down people’s throats? Raising a child is not an easy task. It requires an abundance of social and emotional commitment, coupled with financial resources. Allowing a fetus to grow into a child is far worse than having an abortion since the resultant child will grow in a non-conducive and destructive environment without the love, care and stability that a child deserves and needs. Abortion prevents unwanted and unplanned pregnancies. It prevents a child from being neglected since the mother or father is not ready to have children at that moment in time. Having a child is an important lifelong decision that requires consideration, preparation, and planning. Therefore, if an individual is not ready to raise a child, why force them?
Although one may argue that “killing” an unborn baby isn't really any different than killing a full grown person, they are wrong. A fetus is not a child. Comparing terminating a fetus to murdering a grown man is ludicrous. Abortion is the prevention of a child’s life, not the termination of one. A fetus is not legally or scientifically a person or human being so abortion cannot be equated to murder or taking a life …show more content…

Parents are required to buy a baby court, pram, cloths and dippers at a bare minimum. If an individual decides to want to give birth in a private hospital, further cost is incurred. As a child gets older, new cloths are required and parents must also start to think about childcare and schooling for a child. If a parent is unable to afford this bare minimum, they are forced to get additional jobs. This as a result will mean less time spent with the child. At such a crucial stage of development for a child, it is important for the child to have their parents

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