A Woman Pouring Milk

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A Woman Pouring Milk

In Ways of Seeing by John Berger, the way we have been taught to

observe, learn and analyze art is criticized. Berger describes static

images are an appearance that has been taken out of context, out of

its original time and setting. He states that any image encompasses a

way of seeing. The way we see a specific image is based on

perspective. A piece of art can be interpreted in various ways; it is

relative to every person. Throughout the text, Berger illustrates the

different types of arts. Each one is a perfect example of the phrase

“Use your own interpretation.” If looked at closely, one gets

different ideas and understandings than others of the same image.

Another way that paintings are interpreted or misinterpreted is

through reproductions. Reproducing original pieces of art has been a

large controversy as well, even a “political issue,” which is

discussed by Berger. Berger places a painting by Vermeer in his book,

but does not offer an explanation on the painting. He does this so we

ask ourselves about the painting. The painting, “A Woman Pouring

Milk”, is a simple, self-explanatory image, yet simultaneously

symbolizes much more.

Most of Vermeer’s work involves women performing daily chores. In his

stated painting, we see how the woman is focusing intently on pouring

the milk. She does not look at the artist painting her, she does not

look around the room as if bored, but staring at the task. The woman

is using all her eff...

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