A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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Violence, a great destructive force, or energy. Violence, a culture, or lifestyle. A natural trepidation of all man, something that can change the perspective of the world, and how one views their situation in it. The earth is no stranger to violence, no continent is immune to its destruction. No psyche is insusceptible to its effect. Violence is a subculture of religion, as well as a defense against differences that the human race shares. Love as well as solitude, can be results of violence, and aggression; exaggerated by human emotion and unclear expectations. Violence insidiously sneaks up on a nation, on a people, on a culture, and forever changes what is moral, and what is nefarious. One of the only ways for a memory of violence to be expressed comes from a narrative, a story (Arva 1). Gabriel Garcia Marquez is no stranger to violence, and expresses his opinion on the matter through his personal and magical narrative.
Engaged in the longest civil war in the western hemisphere, with an extensive history of violence, Colombia, is the inspiration, as well as the home for Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Brittain 57). Consider A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings , although violence is not the main focus of the story, it is evident that the community in which Marquez speaks has been plagued by it. Marquez grew up with “historical trauma”. The history of violence in Colombia is deep rooted, precolonial, and evident in everyday life (Sickels 20).Once Pelayo finds the man, he calls his wife, Elisenda, “ They look at him so long and so closely… soon overcame their surprise and in the end found him familiar” ( Marquez 217). This gives the impression that Pelayo and Elisenda have been victims of violence, the fact that they find this creature, w...

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...g, and express his desires, as well as his cultures desires, to be free from their memories, and express the pain that is often to painful to say out loud.

Works Cited

Arva, Eugene. "The Tramatic Imagination: Histories of Violence in Magical Realist Fiction." Cambria. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2014.
Brittain, James, and James Sacouman. "Agrarian Transformation and Resistance in the Colombian Countryside." Labour, Capital & Society. 41.1 (2008): 56-83. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Jan. 2014.
Márquez, Gabriel García. Collected Stories. New York: Harper & Row, 1984. Print.
Sickels, Amy. "Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Cultural and Historical Contexts." Salem Press (n.d.): 19-33. Web. 26 Jan. 2014.
Von Der Walde, Erna, and Carmen Burbano. "Violence in Colombia: A Timeline." NACLA Report on the Americas 35.1 (2001): 24-29. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Jan. 2014.

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