A Society Full Of Cybersexism: Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In

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A Society Full of Cybersexism

The goal of this essay was to destroy any acceptation or idea that it's okay to make women feel discouraged about themselves. First in Cybersexism the author Laurie Penny made it clear to deliberate from what online is and what reality is. The author explains that cybersexism is more along the lines of sexiest power and governmental oppression, and not just an innocent media stream. She makes it a point to bring up that this sort of humiliation towards females isn't the first time or new, and how online sexual harassment is accepted. She talks about how this issue is only being progressed by news networks, comment spaces, social media, and even games. Cybersexism uncovers multiple ways that woman of any age are dispirited from having a voice on political matters, mostly when it comes to gender matters.

She compares Michael Brutsch situation to Anita Sarkeesian. Brutsch (reddit moderator) who was exposed for being a pedophile with photographs of women who were unaware. Sarkeesian released a project that talked about video games and their …show more content…

Losse did a review on Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In where she explained that the book wasn't to progress work environment equality or empowerment for women, but an attempt to make woman more persuaded to the capitalist machine. What Penny is trying to do is daring going from explanatory journalism to what our culture reflects. She wisely has good observation that surveillance state isn't the beginning panopticon it's actually patriarchy. And Penny criticize all of whom feel that this issue has nothing to do with them or not harmful at all. There are those who point at feminist for being "butthurt" or at times "not just dealing with it" making them looked at as retarded women who need to stay

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