A Rose For Emily Research Paper

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“A Rose for Emily” takes place in Jefferson, Mississippi. The time span of the story of this troubled young woman’s life stretched over forty years, from 1875-1920. “A Rose for Emily” is a fictional story, like most of William Faulkner’s works. In A Rose for Emily, Emily represents the old south. Emily had many traditional beliefs. In my paper I will be writing about how the town reacted to her keeping her father’s body after he passed away, how the town reacted to Emily killing Homer, and if they thought she was guilty of murder or insane. William Faulkner uses “A Rose for Emily” to show how the south reacted to modern times. Body section 1 The day after Mr. Grierson’s death, the women of the town call on Emily to offer their condolences. Meeting them at the door, Emily would continue to say that her father was not dead; she continues to keep this up for three days. She finally, after ministers and doctors called on her turned her father’s body over for burial. As many would believe that she was completely insane for doing this, they people of Jefferson, Mississippi did not. They actually felt sorry for Emily, they believed that her father was controlling and would run anyone that came into Emily’s life off. Her friends believe the only reason why Emily kept the body of her father is because that was the only …show more content…

Emily went to the drug store to purchase arsenic, the druggist asked her what she was using it for, was she using it for rats. Miss. Emily did not respond to him, she just looked at him. Finally the druggist went to the back to get the poison; he made another young man take it back out to her. People of Jefferson said that Emily would kill her own self with it. That afternoon when Homer arrived to Emily’s house that was the last time anyone would ever see or hear from him again. Emily’s front door would stay closed; the only person who would leave the house was the Negro working for Emily. The Negro would leave with the market

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