A Raisin In The Sun Racism Quotes

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In the timeless play “ A Raisin in the Sun” by african american writer Lorraine Hansberry, one of the most significant theme is that there is an intersection of sexism and racism. This pattern of conflicting attitudes are both limiting and demeaning. In the play, a speaker who stands out and is a big example of this intersection of sexism and racism is Walter. A first example of this is with his addresses colored women in the world specifically. “ This is what is wrong with the colored woman in this world… Don't understand about building up their men and making ‘em feel like somebody. Feel like they can do something.” This connects with the theme because, as a black man that experience racism more often than not, he still degrades women …show more content…

Another example of Walter being both sexist and racist is his feelings and beliefs towards his sister Beneatha’s dream. “Who the hell told you to go and be a doctor? If you so crazy ‘bout messing ‘round with sick people- then go be a nurse- or just get married and shut up”. This comment on Beneatha and her dream of becoming a doctor compels the feelings of the time. The fact that she wanted to be a doctor as a women and a colored women was an outrage enough to Walter that it alludes to the fact that was abnormal life. Enough for a brother to degrade his sisters dream. Another character that is another illustration of the connection is Walter's sister, Beneatha. With the instance where Beneatha talks about rich people and pay special attention to a certain race. “... the only people in the world that are more snobbish then rich white people are rich colored people.” Beneatha being a colored women but being judgemental towards people of her race for their successes. With this it shows her belief in racism and shows that she too is demeaning to others and, applying it to all genders also. My final character that I think represents this theme is Mama.

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