A Raisin In The Sun And Everyday Use Comparison

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A Raisin in the Sun and Everyday Use have similar plots and characters. Beneatha, a persistent young woman who is determined to become a doctor regardless of society's beliefs, is very similar to Dee, a young woman who is trying to make something out of her self while also growing closer to her cultural history and ethnic traditions. A symbol, according to Merriam Webster Dictionary, is "something used for or regarded as representing something else". In Everyday Use, Dee's stylistic and identifying attributes symbolize her outgoing personality as well as the strong understanding she has of her cultural background and ethnicity. When Dee first arrives at the house, the narrator immediately notices her curly, natural hair, which "...stands straight up like the wool on a …show more content…

Dee has an extensive understanding of her culture, which she portrays through her appearance. By styling her hair in its natural state, it is clear that she takes pride in her heritage and embraces all parts of her ethnicity, which is further represented when she chooses to change her name to "Wangero", a traditional African name. However, in her attempt to achieve this cultural ideal, she neglects her family heritage, which appears to be less relevant to her than the overarching, broader concept of the traditional African lifestyle. The name Dee, which is carried through generations, is influenced by white society and has no significance in African culture. Dee decides to change her name because, as a woman of color, she believes that she must reflect the part of her culture unaffected by white society. Dee understands more about her family history than most, which is why she feels the need to prove her knowledge to the world through changing her identity to look the part. Dee is portrayed as a very outgoing character in this short story, which her clothing helps to symbolize. Her dress, as the narrator describes, is "...so loud it hurt my eyes. There are yellows and oranges enough to throw

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