A Psychoanalytical Look at Broumas' Little Red Riding Hood

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A Psychoanalytical Look at Broumas' Little Red Riding Hood Sigmund Freud, the key developer of the psychoanalytical approach to the human mind, created a theory that can explain the driving force behind all forms of human life. In his theories he uses the desire for sexual pleasure as one of those driving forces, but very often, according to Freud, those desires are not met, weather they are through the actual event of receiving pleasure or through some alternate form of dispersing the energy that the desire builds. The ideas become repressed upon not being met and eventually become entrenched in the unconscious part of our mind, also known as the id. It is my belief that Olga Broumas used the poem "Little Red Riding Hood" as an opportunity to express herself to the literary community, but as Freud's theories argue, not only do her intentions become a part of her writings, but also her viewpoints on herself and her surroundings arise from the depths of her id to haunt the poem with personal references that were not originally designed to be in a poe...

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