A Modest Proposal Rhetorical Analysis

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Within the essay “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift, Ireland is poverty stricken and it’s residents are suffering, especially those who make virtually no income. Swift proposes a plan to contribute to the economy and all those who are affected by poverty, including the wealthy. Although his plan does seem ridiculous, it is meant to bring awareness to those suffering due to the ignorance of politicians, wealthy, and landowners.

Jonathan Swift’s “A modest Proposal” (1729), constructs a solution for Ireland(A solution for what). He illustrates the poverty, and horrendous states of the social classes of Ireland. Mothers are out on the street begging for money or food to support their families. Swift proposes that all the children of the poor will “contribute to the feeding, and partly to the clothing, of many thousands” to help stimulate the economy and standard of living in Ireland. He thinks of this idea since mothers are unable to provide for their families, stating that these children will benefit the country. Swift blames government officials for the horrendous conditions these families are forced to live in. Swift uses sarcasm to as a way to show his annoyance of the politicians and citizens of the poverty-stricken Ireland. …show more content…

Swift goes on to give an example that once an infant passes the dangerous years of childhood, they would “leave their dear country to fight for the Pretender in Spain” or “they would sell themselves to the Barbados” as indentured servants. He insinuates that the people who did leave their country have no sense of nationalism, nor do they have any pride in their country and have lead it to it’s

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