A Modest Proposal

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In the article “The Modest Proposal” the credible author known as, Johnathan Swift informs us readers on the starving families in Ireland. Swift’s total purpose of the article is to educate the article readers on how these families struggle for survival from the problem of starvation. Swift adopts an emotional and relatable feeling in his readers. Swift further conveys his explanation later on in the article. The issue in “The Modest Proposal” is the families in Ireland suffering and dying of starvation. The context of the article how this is a very poor and unsafe location in Ireland and how many families in this location are suffering of starvation or just easing by every day to survive. The person stating the argument is the author Johnathan Swift. Swift’s credentials are being a credible well known author, he also graduated out of a highly thought of college, Swift also has tons of credibility from researching and learning all about this subject in Ireland. I do not believe Swift was at all biased in the article he has written. The targeted audience for the article was those who could relate to the starving families and to those who would have an emotional feeling for the families. The main point of the article was that not everybody is fortunate enough to get food every day and many people throughout the world are starving and looking for food. The type of argument presented is the ungratefulness of some people. The fortunate ones take having food every day for granted when there are many less fortunate families out there starving. The argument assumptions brought up are the starving people of Ireland will eat anything just to survive. The issues and context of the article are the starving families in Ireland. The ethos of... ... middle of paper ... ...d good willed. The evidence is also very thorough and gives excellent examples of what has happened and why exactly it happened. The work does not show any refute towards the previously said information in the article. This is the acknowledgement of the article. I found the problem with the argument of the article was there was no set argument that was clearly stated. If there was an argument in the article it was not clearly stated and I personally did not catch onto it. Altogether this was a well written article without a clear argument. Swift’s article “The Modest Proposal” was a well written informative article on what happens to many poor families in Ireland and many other possible places in the world, and what extremes they go to survive. The article was interesting and affected you emotions very well. “The Modest Proposal” was a very well written article.

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