A Midsummer Night's Dream Research Paper

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Midsummer Night’s Dream By the end of a comedy play, Midsummer Night’s dream by Shakespeare, Puck, a complex character that jumps out of play, talked to the audience as the actor, have a strong connection as the “boy” added by a filmmaker who were dreaming of the play. These two characters both delivered the theme of life is play-like to the audience. The entire play expressed a theme of Appearance and Reality. The idea is that things are not necessarily what they seem to be. Puck, or Robin Goodfellow is an interesting character who plays a huge roll in Midsummer night’s dream. By causing troubles he helps with the statement of “The course of true love never did run smooth”. Puck’s existence reminds audience the dark side of life. In his …show more content…

Shadows were also the creatures that can be encountered as the magical spirits in Shakespeare’s play. Being the lord of misrule, Puck breaks the fourth wall and introduce to the audience that everything they have witnessed is not real. When Puck incites the audience to think of the play as nothing more than a “dream”, Shakespeare makes an important statement about the nature of theater, like dreams, play aren’t real. They are the creation of imagination and fantasy. However, people still somehow choose to believe in it. In the play, the “rude mechanicals” completely fail to understand the “magic” of the theatre, but the audience still got emotional when the tragic story (play) ends. The filmmaker added a boy into the to help the audience to always be aware that the play is not real. Using literate movement of the boy in scene 5 gives the audience a uncomfortable feeling which foreshadowed the theme that is about to be discover. The “boy” help to set the audience in the mood in order to get the best interpretation. He makes the audience to connect with the characters in the play more. The boy appeared as the dreamer and as the play ends, he wake up. The filmmaker creates a dream in the dream feeling by using the

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