A Long Walk To Water Summary

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A Long Walk to Water by _____ follows the stories of two children in Sudan. Salva’s is set in 198__; Nya’s in 2008. The focus is on Salva who is 11 at the beginning of the story and follows his life as a refugee, fleeing from the war, and what his life is like once he moves to America. Nya’s (shorter) story focuses on her daily treks for water and the well being dug in her village. Her story also concerns her younger sister ______, who contracts a parasite from the dirty water and, as part of her recovery, is instructed to only drink water that has been boiled. This is a struggle as she is approaching the age of needing to help walk for water, which is long and hot. The dirty water at the lake isn’t safe for her, but there is nothing else she …show more content…

However, provided I can find the right tools, I could implement a potential solution. It isn’t a particularly novel idea, as water purification systems already exist, but I feel that a self-powering design would be most beneficial to the affected communities, especially ones where wells cannot be dug. One possible design includes two 3-gallon reservoirs stacked, one on top of the other, separated by a basic filter to remove large particles. Once the water has been filtered into the lower reservoir, it flows through a trough system. Along the troughs there are a series of small water turbines. As the water flows through the turbines, they spin, collecting energy in a battery system on the ground. The trough ends by flowing the water into a third reservoir on the ground. This would be a longer, shallow tank to facilitate faster heating, possibly divided into smaller compartments, because this stage is also where evaporation occurs. The water is boiled using the energy collected by the turbines, and possibly supplemented using solar power (I have not yet calculated energy usage, so I cannot accurately say what will truly be necessary, this is pure speculation). The water vapor is then funneled through a pipe where it condenses and runs into the fourth and final reservoir. This holding tank has a tap attached to allow easy access to the purified

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