A Literary Analysis Of Thank You Ma Am, By Langston Hughes

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Literary Analysis Langston Hughes born as James Mercer Langston Hughes on February 1, 1902 and grew up in Joplin, Missouri. “In November 1924, he moved to Washington, D.C. Hughes’s first book of poetry, The Weary Blues, (Knopf, 1926) was published by Alfred A. Knopf in 1926. He finished his college education at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania three years later. In 1930 his first novel, Not Without Laughter, (Knopf, 1930) won the Harmon gold medal for literature.” (Poets.org) Thank You Ma’am was written in 1958 and tells a story of how a young boy named Roger steals Ms. Luella, an elderly womans purse. Roger uses greed as a means to commit a crime that could have easily played against his interest. Greed motivates people to acquire possessions …show more content…

The shoes symbolize money, desire and the dream of a better life. As an audience we assume Roger is lower middle class. When asked if there is anyone at his home he states that there is no one home or to care for him. Greed is an exact example of Roger desire to attain the blue suede shoes. Nature vs nature is a complex debate of whether certain traits we receive are inherited or based on our surroundings growing up. Greed is complex because it can be hereditated through a long line of overachievers and/or a person who grew up in the lowest hierarchy and wants to attain some of the greatest wealth at a risky cost. “Rational self-interest is an innate strategy that capitalism simply reflects ("greed is adaptive"). The only problem is that in recent years, evolutionary theorists have shown again and again that the instincts for altruism and social cooperation are a logical outcome of selfish genes.” (Wired.com) There are various people and companies who exhibit some of the most irrational greed there is. For example: Dishonest banks who give people mortgages that the banks know they cannot afford just so the bank can make money and foreclosure on the house. But for some, greed can have nothing to do with money, similar to Roger in the story. Another example: A person who refuses to pay his income taxes that he is required by law to pay because he wants to keep more of the …show more content…

Considering Roger didn’t grow up in the best living conditions, the audience can infer that his greed comes from not having access to the more luxury items his friends maybe have had. The audience can make this claim because he said that no one tends to him at home and he possibly haven’t eaten. Roger’s priorities are solely based on the fitting in with his peers versus his basic necessities. His greed stems from going without and there are plenty of people today who go through similar extremes. For example: Nowadays, generation Z is going through a phase where conception at a young age is the norm. Mothers and and Fathers as well will let their child go without in order to perceive this impression that they have it all. These family units will have the outer appearance perfect but will not have the lights on in their house. This type of greed is very popular in today’s age. “Greed often has to do with wanting lots of money or material wealth, but it doesn't necessarily only relate to money. Any time someone wants more than their fair share or has a strong desire to accumulate something, especially at the expense of others or if there is only so much to go around, this can be considered an example of greed.” (YourDictionary.com) In Thank You Ma’am by Langston Hughes he allows the audience to grasp the environment the story takes place. His choice of contractions like "yes'm"

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