A Good Man Is Hard To Find

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The theme of a short story is just as relevant as the plot. The plot summarizes the story whereas the theme suggests the values and ideas articulated within the story (Kirszner & Mandell, 2012). However, the two elements are often times confused by readers. Some factors that help a reader distinguish the theme are the story’s title, character statements, and symbols within the story. A Good Man Is Hard to Find is a perfect example of a short story that exhibits all the above mentioned factors to help the reader comprehend the various themes. Although there are numerous themes that could be derived from this short story, I think that one of the primary themes portrayed throughout the story is that every selfish act has an unforeseen consequence. …show more content…

This selfish act jeopardizes the family when the cat causes Bailey to wreck the car. The grandmother’s egotism places them directly in the path of The Misfit. However, the most disturbing act of selfishness displayed by the grandmother is her lack of concern for any of her family’s life when faced with death. She only acknowledges Bailey’s life when she hears the gunshots and is never concerned for the other members of the family. As the grandmother realizes that her life is coming to an end, she finally displays compassion instead of selfishness. She truly feels for The Misfit and his dreadful past. The grandmother’s unspeakable acts of selfishness are transfigured into blessings when she offers grace to The Misfit (Bandy, 2003). Unfortunately, this epiphany is realized too late. If she had not manipulated every aspect of the trip for her own selfish reasons, her family might still be alive.
I believe the theme of selfishness presented in A Good Man Is Hard to Find is relevant to today because as humans we all have selfish tendencies. We even unintentionally manipulate people for own advantage whether it is family, friends, or colleagues. However, all actions have consequences and others are often hurt by our self-centered acts. Even though the repercussions do not normally lead to death, our selfish acts can be detrimental to

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