A Father Who Keeps His Promises By Scott Hahn

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Jonathan Balint
Introduction to Catholic Theology
March 1, 2017

Book Report on A Father Who Keeps His Promises by Scott Hahn

“The concept of covenant is a central thread woven throughout the Scripture” (23). A covenant is a solemn oath made and fulfilled by God. God had made covenants with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and his son Jesus. This summary will explain how the Church is foreshadowed in and fulfills the various covenants that precede it. It will also why the author says that the Church is necessary for salvation.

Sabbath was a gift from God to his followers as a sign of his covenant. Genesis describes the work of the Creator. First the structure was created in three days, followed by rulers in three more …show more content…

God asked Abram to to leave for an unknown destination. to bless all of the families on earth. God’s plan was to draw the family torn apart by sin back together For his agreement three promises were made: land ownership, a new name representing dynasty, and God’s blessings on Abram’s entire family and descendants. During three separate encounters, these promises were to converted to covenants. The covenants became fulfilled during the next periods of salvation. When Abram arrived at Canaan there was a famine going on. He continued on to Egypt where he allowed his wife to be placed into the Pharoh’s harem. This abuse by Abram resulted in plagues. Upon return to Cannan a war broke out due to a feud with his nephew. Abram won this conflict and was offered bread and wine by king Salem. God changed Abram’s name to Abraham when making the next covenant. To test Abraham again God demanded Abraham sacrifice his own son. His son, Isaac was offered a reprieve before the sacrifice and in place a lamb was provided by God. It was noted that God blesses people in sometimes unusual ways, by causing hardship to force reliance on Him. The establishment of the Catholic church is a representation of God’s covenant with Abraham. “When the Father provides for us in some special way, our faith is strengthened” (108). When Abraham was on Mount Moriah he knew that God would provide for him. Many …show more content…

To identify himself God stated the salvation history while naming members of his family. God then asked Moses to leave Egypt with his people to sacrifice to the Lord on Mount Hereb. Moses tried his hardest to not have to follow God’s orders. As a result God gave Moses the help of his brother Aaron. Moses end up not keeping the circumcision covenant so he would not anger his father in law Jethro. This decision angered his father God. Moses wife Zipporah finally decided to circumcise their son and this fulfilled Moses commitment to circumcision. Because of the Pharaoh’s cruel and evilness, the plagues were started. For the Passover, Moses was ordered to slay a lamb and sprinkle it’s blood on the doorpost, then that night, to eat the lamb. Once this was done the Pharaoh let the Israelites go but then changed his mind. God met his followers at the Red Sea and saved them. After six weeks with no food to be found and people speaking against Moses God helped his people. The last book of Moses served as the covenant rule and constitution for Israel. Through each crisis Moses was faced with we see God the Father patiently lifting his people up and carrying them one step farther” (143). God is full of compassion to meet the needs of all men and women. The compassion often came in the form of tough love. When God liberated Israel from Egypt he also aimed to make them reliant on him

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