A Cry In The Night

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Mary Higgins Clark
- ¡§A Cry In The Night¡¨

First impressions of book
- I wish I was Jenny at the beginning¡K o She had the perfect boyfriend. o It described him as good looking, kind, and very gentlemen like. o He would take her to fancy restaurants.
- The beginning of the book was pleasant and made me wonder what was wrong because it seemed so perfect.

- Summary
- It foreshadowed a little bit. o Erich¡¦s mother was an artist that painted. Erich was a painter also. Erich put his name on her work and got credit for it.
- I was able to follow along easily in this book.

- Right predictions o Something has to be wrong with Erich, he¡¦s too perfect. o I was right because he was killing people.
- Wrong predictions o Jenny was hallucinating. o I was wrong because it was really happening.

Relating to Text
- Self: o Jenny was pregnant. I¡¦m pregnant. She got involved with the wrong guy. And well I got involved with the wrong guy also. o Jenny and Erich lived in a small town. I live in a small town. Gossip was always going around; Stratton is just like that.
- World: o Erich put his name on someone else¡¦s work. People today do it all the time.
- Text: o Lots of murders happen in Mary¡¦s books. o Also there are movies that are sort of like it. Secret Window.

Figurative Language
- Personification o ¡§Wind whispered through the trees, stirring the naked branches into the restless movement.
„X Wind was given the human-like characteristic of whispering.
- Metaphorical Personification o ¡§That red is perfect against your hair. Dark could on scarlet. Like dark secrets in a scarlet women.
„X Red was given a human-like characteristic with a comparison.

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