A Comparison Of Brown's New Snowsuit And Your Shoes

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How do two of the stories you have studied explore the difficulty of growing up? ‘Paula Brown’s New Snowsuit’ by Sylvia Plath and ‘Your Shoes’ by Michele Roberts both explore the difficulty of growing up. However, we are presented with two different aspects. Plath’s story explores the idea of a child being exposed to the war and the realisation that parents are not omnipotent and omniscient from a naive child narrator’s stance. While, Robert’s story deals with the difficult subject of parents-children relationship, parents not understanding their children and the children’s needs for support when making mistakes. The narrator is a naive mother; the story is written as a monologue and portrays solely the mother’s point of view. In ‘Paula …show more content…

She lives with her mother and Uncle Frank, as her father sadly passed away before the war, as stated by her mother “I’m only glad Otto didn’t live to see this”. She believes that Uncle Frank has “an extraordinary resemblance to Superman incognito”, and that he is powerful as implied by “strongest man he’d ever known” and “could do lots of tricks”. In her eyes, Uncle Frank has all the qualities of Superman as stated in “while waiting to be drafted” which suggests he is ready to fight the bad and protect the innocent, and is therefore a good man, just as Superman. This also implies that the narrator pictures her uncle as a built-up, protective, brave warrior and hero. As a result, she looks up to him as father figure, and an idol that could promise her safety, security and long-lasting happiness. One cannot be certain how Uncle Frank is related to the narrator; however, he is very protective and affectionate to her. One can tell this when he lifts her up and speaks with “a big love in his voice that drowned out the shouting”. In contrast, the narrator feels lonely and lacks trust and support from her mother and uncle after the incident when she is wrongly blamed for pushing Paula Brown into an oil puddle whilst playing tag and destroying her new “powder blue” snowsuit that she received for her birthday. They do not believe the …show more content…

In ‘Paula Brown’s New Snowsuit’, the child needs support when she is wrongly blamed, while in ‘Your Shoes’, the daughter needs support and guidance when she is making mistakes such as use of alcohol and smoking pot, getting involved in bad friendships (influences), having sex and suffering from food disorder. The mother was brought up in an old-fashioned way and is not equipped to help and support her daughter through difficult times; therefore, she treats her daughter in the same way she was treated. She believes that men need to be respected and treated differently, and she is misogynistic as well. So, she does not stand up for her daughter when the father called “a dirty slut”, but, she took his side by saying, “he didn’t mean you to take it personally. It was just a manner of speaking”. Furthermore, she makes it clear that the father is the main bread earner and has the right to be angry in “Of course your father was angry. After all it is his house”. The mother treats the father as a tyrant figure, as in what he says goes and in a way is disloyal to women. This situation could have been sorted in a more sophisticated yet strict way in order to educate the daughter about what she has done wrong and shouldn't do, assist her to make the right decisions and to maintain a stable family relationship. What the mother and father do not understand in this story is

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