A Comparison Of Bridget Jones's Diary In Pride And Prejudice

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Helen Fielding’s Bridget Jones’s Diary is more or less a modern adaptation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. In analyzing each of the plot outlines, the stories do resemble each other quite a lot. The protagonist in each work is a female (Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice and Bridget in Bridget Jones’s Diary.) She is looking for love and is under pressure to find it predominantly by her mother. She meets a man (Darcy in both works) but his pride and her prejudice keeps them apart. She, the protagonist, has been led to believe that this man is dishonest and was involved in some inexcusable past behavior which was told to her by one of his enemies. However, this man (Darcy) learns to love her "just the way she is." She also learns the truth about his past behavior and he lets go of his "pride" as she lets go of his …show more content…

Although both works share almost identical plots, Fielding does add her own twist to Bridget Jones’s Diary by altering many elements of Pride and Prejudice and in doing so gives us an innovative, modern adaptation of Austen’s literary classic. In both stories, Elizabeth and Bridget are very sharp and witty women. Both are very in-tune with their surroundings and are fully aware of their mothers’ aims when it comes to their love life. Both Elizabeth and Bridget are both at the age where their respective societies would expect them to find a husband and settle down. In Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth is independent and confident. She goes to the ball with no inclination to find a man and is perfectly content without one. Bridget, on the other hand, has this confidence in the very beginning of Bridget Jones’s Diary and regains it after Daniel Cleaver commits

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