A Career For A Career As A Social Service Manager

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One job that would be available to me upon graduation would be a social service manager. To be qualified for the job as a social service manager one must obtain a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in psychology. This career is appealing to me because it would allow me to work closely with the demographic I am interested in. Social service managers work with groups such as, veterans, homeless people, and children. They can work for government agencies and social service companies. The typical job setting social service managers often work in are offices, shelters, and clinics or hospitals. They focus mainly on helping people with certain challenges, such as hunger or unemployment. The duties of a social service managers may vary by employer. If …show more content…

This career is appealing to me because I have always wanted to pursue a career in the criminal justice system but with a psychology related path. This job is the best of both world and is incredibly interesting to me. Forensic psychologist can work with law enforcement agencies to asses and profile subjects, evaluate jury behavior, and they can also provide an expert testimony in court. Mostly they perform research, conduct interviews, and determine whether a suspect is fit to stand trial. The typical job settings for criminal psychologist include correctional facilities, mental health centers, court systems, law enforcement agencies, universities, and private practices. Forensic psychologist can be self-employed and work as independent practitioners to courts, prisons, parole agencies, or other branches of the criminal justice system. The average salary for a forensic psychologist is 86,510. This salary aligns with what I would like to make in this position. Also, I get experience under my belt that salary will increase. The most popular graduate education for this job would be a Doctoral degree. Although, some universities offer a master’s degree in psychology with specific training in the criminal justice field, but a doctoral degree is ideal. Also, getting a doctoral degree makes you more competitive in the field. There aren’t many doctoral

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