A Biblical Worldview

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Having a biblical worldview
Viewing the world and its concepts through a biblical perspective provides the Christian with a secure and time-proven guideline to measure and evaluate all situations, concepts, and information. In understanding and applying biblical concepts in life situations, we can be certain that our decision-making processes are sound, based on the true words of Christ. “Now if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all generously and without reproach; and it will be given to him” – James 1:5 (Complete Jewish Bible).

1. What would you say is the main theme of the bible?
With the opening lines of scripture, we encounter the Creator, forming heaven and earth, creating an intricate universe …show more content…

60) states that “”Christ is not only the theme of both Testaments of the Bible, “writes Norman Geisler in A General Introduction to the Bible, “but He may also be seen as the subject in the sequence of each of the eight sections of Scriptures.” Through the pages of Scripture, it becomes evident that to be reconciled with the Creator, the human race needs a Savior that is holy and blameless. Upon closer inspection of scripture, we see Christ woven like a golden thread through each book as the one true savior, willing to give up His life for sinful humans.
However, Rev. Ralph Allen Smith makes an interesting case that “the covenantal kingdom of God is the central theme of Biblical revelation” (Smith, n.d, Chapter 1). In his essay, “The Central theme of the bible”, he discusses all the relevant themes which include the redemption of the human race, the covenant, as well as Jesus Christ as the central themes of the bible. Yet, he states …show more content…

As a Christ follower, my life and core beliefs are centered in Jesus Christ. Understanding the overall picture of who Jesus is, provides us with a guideline as to how we are to view all scripture and, it provides us with understanding and insight, which in turn, enables us to apply the scriptures effectively to everyday life, and in this case, to course content. Knowing the character of God opens our eyes to marvel at the intricate designs and vastness of His wisdom and creativity when it comes to science. It leaves us in awe when the beauty and wonder of communicating with a fellow human are on display.

Furthermore, breaking down the high-level view to one lover level, Bickel and Jantz’s(Bickel & Jantz, 1998, Chapter 3) breakdown of the bible, provide us with an overview of the narrative of scripture. These so-called five acts, enable us to pinpoint the section or topic in scripture that needs to be applied to the course work with greater ease. In turn, this creates more efficient use of the bible, enabling us to still have a high-level view of the main areas of scripture, but to give enough detail to identify where in the narrative we would have to start delving into finding specific

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