A Beautiful Mind Personality Disorder Essay

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Pam: 5 Most Common Personality Disorders

According to the American Psychiatric Association, personality disorders are defined as a way of feeling, thinking and behaving that is different from social norms and cultural expectations. These disorders may result in the person feeling upset and anxious. These people are more likely to experience personal problems and suffer low functionality.


John Nash, who won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994, was portrayed in the film “A Beautiful Mind” by Russell Crowe. John Nash suffered from severe paranoid schizophrenia, but his eccentric behaviors were drastically downplayed in the film. …show more content…

People who suffer from paranoid personality disorder will often search for nonexistent correlations and formulate conclusions based on the irrational factors and coincidences. They do this in order to validate their paranoid thoughts, illogical fears and nonexistent delusions. Some of the more common concerns of patients with paranoid personality disorder involve large conspiracies, such as the city using fluoride to mind control citizens and the federal government’s alleged anti-alien activities in Area 51. This personality disorder is characterized by hostility, suspicion and emotional aloofness.

Antisocial Personality Disorder
People with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) exhibit erratic behaviors, intense emotions and unpleasant attitudes towards society. People often mistakenly assume that ASPD actually is an isolating disorder, but it actually involves people who aggressively refuse to conform to social standard and norms. The antisocial personality disorder is marked by contempt for others, disregard for moral boundaries and indifference to ethical responsibilities. ASPD is often found among career criminals who engage in reckless and violent behaviors. Serial killers may be misdiagnosed with this condition at a young age.

Borderline Personality

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