The Deming Wheel: Backward Planning System

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The Deming Wheel explains that by using the backward planning system, it will help you start with your objective, and then work backwards to develop your plan. Furthermore, starting backwards will become easier to prepare for a successful outcome. It is important to map out solutions to your problems in a fun, energetic and creative way to achieve the desired results. This four-step method can help give direction and control to execute, and it provides an iterative process for continuous improvement (Leadership & Direction, 2014). The PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) is a modified version of Shewhart’s Cycle in which it advices to use rapidly in order to ensure continuous learning by improving function, product, or process. Questions …show more content…

Questions can help ensure that a project is successful. Especially in a team environment because one person can bring up good or better ideas than others and together it makes the team stronger and successful. Moreover, knowing what questions to ask or following the Deming Wheel can either assist or guide you in the right direction. The right mix of planning monitoring, and controlling can make the difference in completing a project on time, on budget and with high quality results (Tom Mochal, 2009). Allowing, your team to be part of the solution will help finish the project with a degree of pride and success.
Types of Questions
What are the right type of questions to ask and answer? The two key questions to ask when planning according to the Army Handbook are:
• What are all the ingredients necessary for its successful …show more content…

By asking who, what, when, where, how and why, its sets the stage for subordinates to discover their own solutions, increasing their competence, their confidence and their ownership of results (Judith Ross, 2009) The leaders then should immediately know if the right questions were asked by the amount of ideas, information and solutions gathered by his or her team. This will empower the leader and its subordinates to act and execute the plan.
Organizations will perform better when they allow their subordinates to voice their opinions and have healthy open discussions. Leaders in return need to be great listeners to diverse opinions in order to facilitate their teams in moving toward a solution. This will help create a positive working environment it will also remove organizational obstacles and it will provide tools that employees will need to perform their jobs effectively (Valarle Willis,

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