3 Reasons You Need To Update The Outlets In Your Older Home

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3 Reasons You Need To Update The Outlets In Your Older Home

Buying an older home is often more affordable than buying a new one. You may even prefer living in a vintage home. One thing you may not like though is an outdated electrical system. Homes built decades ago didn't have nearly the amount of modern conveniences that are standard for modern living.

Homes now are filled with televisions, computers, and high-tech appliances. To bring your older home into the modern era, an electrician may need to install a new panel or rewire the house. One thing that almost certainly will be needed is the addition of new outlets. Here's why.

Not Enough Outlets for All Your Equipment

One big problem with older homes is they are often short on outlets. This leads to dangerously overloading outlets with power strips and extension cords. Modern electrical codes require outlets to be placed at set intervals in a house so electricity is readily available without having to rely on extension cords. …show more content…

They aren't required to be updated since they are grandfathered in, so if you want the convenience and safety of an abundance of outlets in your older home, you'll need to bring in an electrician to install them.

Having ample outlets is not only more convenient for you, it is also much safer for you and your equipment. Extension cords can be fire and tripping hazards. Overloading a single circuit can be dangerous too, as that could be a fire hazard. Kitchens, in particular, are in need of multiple outlets today when in times past one or two may have been plenty.

Some appliances pull a lot of power when they turn on or are in use. A microwave, for instance, needs a lot of power when it first turns on and that can cause your lights to flicker if your circuit is

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