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Analysis essay orwells nineteen eighty-four
Orwell literary criticism
Analysis essay orwells nineteen eighty-four
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Love is an emotion affecting people's everyday lives. In the book “1984,”, George Orwell introduces his readers to this idea, with a compelling portrayal of this important feeling. In Orwell’s totalitarian society of Oceania, the ruling party attempts to demolish all love for anyone except Big Brother who controls them. The affection that normally exists between individuals, in Oceania, warps to exist between individuals tortured and those torturing them. This is demonstrated by familial bonds and affection between siblings, wives, mothers, fathers and children, changing and creating an opportunity for the government to monitor its citizens. In contrast the interactions between the main character, Winston and his oppressor, O'Brien exhibit true love. Real connections between regular human beings in Oceania are virtually non existent due to actions taken by the government to destroy these bonds. The party transforms love and affection …show more content…
into fuel to support Big Brother. Oceania’s government uses different means to harness and change citizens’ feelings, with the most effective and vicious being torture. When O’Brien tortures Winston, Winston learns of the emotional loss in others as a result of the torture techniques.O’Brien goes through a list of people the party has successfully beat, “Jones, Aaronson, [and] Rutherford...we [the party] broke them down....by the time we had finished...they were only shells of men...nothing left except sorrow for what they had done and love for the Big Brother" (Orwell 255). O'Brien is talking about the government "traitors" that Winston had previously believed were innocent and their punishment. O'Brien goes on to unfold the actuality of The Party’s main purpose, it being completely power driven, with the sole goal of gaining more power. Another transformation example, relates to the perception of sex changing from an expressions of love between two people, to a “a slightly disgusting operation”(Orwell 65). Recalling his experience with a prostitute, Winston realises that "The aim of the party is not merely to prevent men and women from forming loyalties...it’s real undeclared purpose was to remove all pleasure from the sexual act" (Orwell 65). In other words, if the party creates a negative stigma around sex, they destroy the bond it forms between individuals. The party can now focus people’s feelings and relationships towards Big Brother. In the novel love has been removed from families, and its place is taken up by fear and distrust. Winston pays a visit to his friend Parson’s household, where Parson’s children carefully monitor their parents actions for conformance to party rules. Leaving the apartment, Winston feels sorry for Mrs, Parsons "With those children, that wretched woman must have led a life of terror. Another year, and they would be watching her night and day for symptoms of unorthodoxy" (Orwell 24). The Parson children were bursting with energy, they were suspicious of everyone in the room including their own mother. This is caused by children learning the morals and beliefs of the party at a very young age, creating enthusiasm towards Big Brother and the Party. Organizations like the Spies promoted distrust to children, and taught them to watch their parents and report to the government if they observe any unconventional behavior in their home. This is evident when Parson explains the reason for his arrest, a report by his little daughter of his unorthodox dreams. Between Winston’s experiences at the Parson household and additional accounts he knows from the ministry of love, it is clear that families are now filled with fear and lack trust. In Oceania, the void that left from lost feelings is filled with a strange love between the tortured and their torturer.
When Winston is tormented by O'Brien, eventually Winston deludes himself into thinking that O'Brien was not the reason for his pain, instead he felt that “O'Brien was his protector, that the pain was something that came from outside" (Orwell 250). Even the realization that O’Brien betrayed Winston and was the main reason for his arrest, does not change Winston’s love for O’Brien. Having a special bond with O’Brien while being abused by him, may be a result of the “Stockholm Syndrome”. According to the free dictionary, the Stockholm Syndrome refers to “a group of psychological symptoms that occur in some persons in a captive or hostage situation." Reported instances indicate that hostages express empathy, sympathy and have positive attitudes toward their captors. This can be a clear explanation to the bizarre way Winston feel about O’Brien after considerable time being a hostage tortured in the Ministry of
Love. Love affects everyone and how they perceive the world around them. George Orwell’s book reveals how this emotion is manipulated to further a ruling party’s goal. The party was extremely successful in eliminating intimacy and its emotional bond from life in Oceania. Strong affection between families is replaced with terror and distrust. Love now exists between individuals and their oppressors who are government agents. Everyone’s emotion and focus is steered towards Big Brother to enhance the power of the Party.
It is said that 1984 is one of the greatest books ever written, a literary work that remains as transcendent as ever since its publishing date sixty-four years ago. It is a grimly realistic story crafted together by George Orwell, who takes upon particularly effective literary elements, such as the limited third-person point of view, to follow the life of Winston Smith, the average everyday, resentful civilian who attempts to fight against the seemingly omnipotent and ubiquitous powers of the Ingsoc Party. The Ingsoc Party, a totalitarian government that governs the fictional country of Oceania, holds a casket of brilliantly intelligent individuals, some of who are members of the terrifying Thought Police and the notorious Inner Party, who employ informal language against the uneducated masses of Oceania civilians. Symbolism is also a key literary element in the novel, for anything ranging from ubiquitous telescreens to the infamous Big Brother ultimately contribute to Winston’s realization of how unbreakable the power of the Ingsoc Party truly is. All throughout 1984, George Orwell exercises the elements of diction, point of view, and symbolism to bring out the novel’s theme of how futile resistance is against established totalitarian governments.
George Orwell creates a dark, depressing and pessimistic world where the government has full control over the masses in the novel 1984. The protagonist, Winston, is low-level Party member who has grown to resent the society that he lives in. Orwell portrays him as a individual that begins to lose his sanity due to the constrictions of society. There are only two possible outcomes, either he becomes more effectively assimilated or he brings about the change he desires. Winston starts a journey towards his own self-destruction. His first defiant act is the diary where he writes “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER.” But he goes further by having an affair with Julia, another party member, renting a room over Mr. Carrington’s antique shop where Winston conducts this affair with Julia, and by following O’Brien who claims to have connections with the Brotherhood, the anti-Party movement led my Emmanuel Goldstein. Winston and Julia are both eventually arrested by the Thought Police when Mr. Carrington turns out to be a undercover officer. They both eventually betray each other when O’Brien conducts torture upon them at the Ministry of Love. Orwell conveys the limitations of the individual when it comes to doing something monumental like overthrowing the established hierarchy which is seen through the futility of Winston Smith’s actions that end with his failure instead of the end of Big Brother. Winston’s goal of liberating himself turns out to be hopeless when the people he trusted end up betraying him and how he was arbitrarily manipulated. It can be perceived that Winston was in fact concerned more about his own sanity and physical well-being because he gives into Big Brother after he is tortured and becomes content to live in the society he hated so much. Winston witnesses the weakness within the prole community because of their inability to understand the Party’s workings but he himself embodies weakness by sabotaging himself by associating with all the wrong people and by simply falling into the arms of Big Brother. Orwell created a world where there is no use but to assimilate from Winston’s perspective making his struggle utterly hopeless.
The constant theme of betrayal in 1984 is being used by George Orwell to show how hopeless Winston’s struggle against the Totalitarian system is, giving the reader an idea of how bad this type of government is. The reader is introduced to this dark time and given hope in the form of the rebellious protagonist, Winston. However, the reader soon realises how hopelessly alone Winston is in his silent battle when they see that the government is against him, he has no support or allies, and that even his own mind can be turned against him. The message is clear and makes readers who live in a democracy happier with what they have.
In the novel 1984, Orwell produced a social critique on totalitarianism and a future dystopia that made the world pause and think about our past, present and future. When reading this novel we all must take the time to think of the possibility that Orwell's world could come to pass. Orwell presents the concepts of power, marginalization, and resistance through physical, psychological, sexual and political control of the people of Oceania. The reader experiences the emotional ride through the eyes of Winston Smith, who was born into the oppressive life under the rule of Ingsoc. Readers are encouraged through Winston to adopt a negative opinion on the idea of communist rule and the inherent dangers of totalitarianism. The psychological manipulation and physical control are explored through Winston's journey, and with Winston's resistance and ultimate downfall, the reader is able to fully appreciate O'Briens reasoning, "Power is not a means, it is an end."
I strongly agree with Fromm’s viewpoints and interpretations of Orwell’s 1984 text. He warns that the future federal powers will dehumanize society and leave everyone alienated. Thus, I agree with Fromm to the extent that he acknowledges the fact that humanity can indeed cease to exist as a result of our own self-destruction as well as the effect of our actions. Many of his opinions and warnings expressed by Orwell to an extent appear in contemporary society.
War Is Peace. Freedom Is Slavery. Ignorance Is Strength. The party slogan of Ingsoc illustrates the sense of contradiction which characterizes the novel 1984. That the book was taken by many as a condemnation of socialism would have troubled Orwell greatly, had he lived to see the aftermath of his work. 1984 was a warning against totalitarianism and state sponsored brutality driven by excess technology. Socialist idealism in 1984 had turned to a total loss of individual freedom in exchange for false security and obedience to a totalitarian government, a dysutopia. 1984 was more than a simple warning to the socialists of Orwell's time. There are many complex philosophical issues buried deep within Orwell's satire and fiction. It was an essay on personal freedom, identity, language and thought, technology, religion, and the social class system. 1984 is more than a work of fiction. It is a prediction and a warning, clothed in the guise of science fiction, not so much about what could happen as it is about the implications of what has already happened. Rather than simply discoursing his views on the social and political issues of his day, Orwell chose to narrate them into a work of fiction which is timeless in interpretation. This is the reason that 1984 remains a relevant work of social and philosophical commentary more than fifty years after its completion.
In 1984, George Orwell presents an overly controlled society that is run by Big Brother. The protagonist, Winston, attempts to “stay human” in the face of a dehumanizing, totalitarian regime. Big Brother possesses so much control over these people that even the most natural thoughts such as love and sex are considered taboo and are punishable. Big Brother has taken this society and turned each individual against one another. Parents distrust their own offspring, husband and wife turn on one another, and some people turn on their own selves entirely. The people of Oceania become brainwashed by Big Brother. Punishment for any uprising rebellions is punishable harshly.
Healthy relationships are a crucial part of growing up and developing properly as a child into an adult. All throughout one’s life, the relationships that form with people influence individual behaviour and mentality. George Orwell’s novel, 1984, is a demonstration of how unhealthy relationships can develop when factors that are out of the control of the characters have an influence on the citizens personal lives. First off, Winston’s connection with his mother showcases how dysfunctional families living under the regime of the Party. Secondly, Winston’s relationship with Julia present the dangers and hurt that the totalitarian government brings upon the people in terms of intimate, romantic relationships. Finally, healthy and trusting friendships
Authors often create a division between two characters that makes it difficult to see why the characters are linked. In 1984, the author, George Orwell, demonstrates this quality seen in many novels. Orwell creates a romance between two people who, on the surface seem alike, but deep down, it is clear they have dissimilar interests. Winston and Julia, characters who have seemingly made it against all odds in the totalitarian society of Oceania, are not the star-crossed lovers they believe they are. Even though Winston and Julia share similar views on the Party, their personality traits do not match up.
The world of 1984 is one in which the Party control everything, even that which normally cannot be controlled, and in which nothing is private, not even one’s mind and all its functions. The Party sought to dehumanize its citizens, removing every sense of individuality, every emotion, including love. Winston Smith has limited but significant encounters with, or there lack of, what he believes to be love, first with his mother and Katharine, then with Julia, and finally with Big Brother. Even with so many forms of “love”, none allows Winston to fully comprehend the concept, and even destroy the possibility that he ever will. Prior to the beginning of the novel Winston has two key experiences with attraction: with his mother, and with his wife Katharine.
In modern world many citizens are being influenced by the government. 1984 shows how Winston is under the tyrannical regime of the party that is controlled by ‘’Big brother’’ Where as he is the figurehead of the party itself that spies on it’s citizens throughout the country of Oceania. Winston is now living a life that is incorporated by the oppression and government corruption within the country. 1984 reveals how the overpowering
The creatures gathering in the animal dwelling place are in like manner portrayed by Orwell in brisk style: Major is old and savvy, Clover is nurturing and thoughtful, Boxer is solid yet moronic, Benjamin is skeptical and pessimistic, and Mollie is vain and puerile. These attributes turn out to be more professed as the novel continues.
In the book 1984 by George Orwell it was a small place where people had no choice to believe in more than god was big brother. If you did not believe in big brother then it could cost your life you also had no choice in that too.if you did not want to believe in big brother then you had to keep it to yourself and act like you do, because you could get so really bad punishments. Just like any government it is very simple for them to control their citizens because they hold all the power,What they say goes. People always believe what the government says because it’s the government and some people this that everything the say is true. They say a bunch of nonsense to their citizens and after a while people will start to believe it.
The book 1984, written by George Orwell, was published just after World War II. With the impacts and atrocities of World War II very fresh in Orwell’s mind, he creates a negative Utopian society which is meant to reflect totalitarianism and the government's abuse of authority similar to what he witnessed a few years ago. 1984 tells a story of a young man named Winston, growing up in Oceania under totalitarian rule. Like very few others, Winston was born with the gift of individual thought, however, in this society, this particular gift often results in death or incarceration. Eager to rebel against the Party, this young man finds himself engaging in a private love affair with a woman named Julia. Throughout 1984, Julia is characterized as sensual
The novel which is 1984 by George Orwell is all about a dystopian society, describes an imaginary society that is as dehumanizing and as unpleasant as possible, which is controlled by complete totalitarianism. The writer really put himself in the book and I believe it's safe to say, he was indeed Winston Smith. In the book there are three classes, almost like our social classes-the lower(outer party), the middle(paroles), and the higher classes(inner party).Winston Smith is part of the Outer Party in Oceania. Everywhere Winston goes-his home, work, the bar or simply walking outside-the Party watches him through telescreens. Everywhere he looks he is reminded that the omniscient leader of Oceania is watching him, Big Brother. Winston works in the Ministry of Truth, where he alters historical records to fit the needs of the Party. He has mixed emotions and troubling thoughts due to the Party’s control of history-Oceania has always had an alliance with Eastasia against Eurasia. However, Winston happens to remember a previous time when this was not true. One evening Winston is given a note from a young dark-haired girl that he works with, the note says “I love you.” She tells him her name is Julia and they begin to have a relationship that is highly dangerous.they have to spend every waking moment always on the lookout for signs of the Party monitoring them and their actions. Soon after, the couple decide to rent a room above Mr. Charrington’s shop where winston previously bought a diary-Winston doesn't like the party and has illegally purchased a diary in which to write “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER”. This relationship lasted for some time, but it started as an act of rebellion against Big Brother and gradually turned into something more. As Winston’s love grew for Julia, his hate grew for the Party grows.After