1920s An Era Of Social And Cultural Rebellion Essay

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1. Were the 1920’s an era of social and cultural rebellion? The 1920’s was the time when America was just starting to put its foot into modern civilization. For example, with the success of the Model T automobile by Henry Ford, the automobile industry was booming. Men were coming and going in and out of war. Women were filling up men’s jobs while they were at war so women had an opportunity to improve her status in the workforce. Women were allowing themselves to control their own bodies so they were starting to expose more skin, like cutting 3 inches off their skirts and smoking/drinking publicly. This was all prohibited from women- especially women of a lower-class- only a few years ago, but now that was all going to change. This was the era where women were fighting for their rights and the development of social and economic change. Gilman M. Ostrander, author of “The Revolution on Morals”, believes that the twenties was an era of social and cultural rebellion. It was thought to be the end of American innocence. Before the twenties, it was all about the Victorian age and all the ladies and gentlemen were …show more content…

24th, 1917. Resulting Woodrow Wilson to address Congress and request a declaration of war against Germany because of their submarine warfare with Great Britain and the U.S. It was seen as a violation of seas. One major reason for the U.S. entering the war was the trench warfare. We turned the tides because we were at an advantage. The U.S. got into the war because in order for the Allies to win the war, the U.S. needed to step in. Wilson said this country’s entry into the war was an imperative crusade and a sacred democratic mission to make the world safe for democracy. The U.S. was becoming the World’s policemen because it was the white man’s burden and their desire to shape the peace (text pg. 70 “Peace without Victory and Zimmerman

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