12 Days Of Christmas

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When thinking about the song, Twelve Days of Christmas, I absolutely cannot sing the song pass the second day of Christmas! Although, I am very familiar with the song I do not actually sing this song during Christmas time, even though it is a classic Christmas song. This probably explains why I cannot fully get pass the second verse of the song without complications, but I can still remember minimal words from parts of the song because my brain has not encoded the entire song in my long term storage. This could also explain why I can only retrieve minimal words from the song. I would also account me not paying attention to the lyrics of the song for some part of me not memorizing the song because when listening to this song in the past I didn’t pay attention to any of the …show more content…

When I think about it this way it somewhat reminds me of the relationship between new and old memories among people. I think the 5th day of Christmas is easily recalled because it is easier to remember because this part of the song is sung in a different tone verse the other parts of the song and almost seems as if emphasis is put on this part of the song would could account for people frequently recalling this part of the song rather than some of the other parts of the song. I also think that some people can recall this part of the song because it is the only thing in the song that is not completing an action by a living person or animal. Some people could also remember the lyric “five golden rings” because if you think about it the Olympics flag has a logo that has five different colored interlaced rings which could help some people remember how many rings was sent to the women in the Twelve Days of Christmas

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