
Everyman is an English morality play written in the late 15th century. It has become one of the most widely known and performed plays in European literature, as it provides a powerful insight into humanity's relationship with death and mortality. The play follows a protagonist named Everyman, who must face his own mortality when Death appears to him and demands that he account for his life before God. Throughout the course of this journey, Everyman meets with various figures such as Fellowship, Kindred, Goods, Knowledge, Strength, Beauty, and Discretion, all of whom represent different aspects of human life on Earth.

The story begins with God sending Death down to summon Everyman so that he may give an account of how he lived his life on Earth. When Death arrives at Everyman's house unannounced (a common motif found in medieval drama), Everyman realizes what awaits him: judgment from God about how well or poorly he lived during his time here on Earth. After some initial hesitation and attempts to postpone facing reality, he ultimately accepts his fate, knowing fully well that there is no escape from judgment day once it has been ordained by divine will.

At first glance, it might seem like a simple morality tale, but upon closer inspection, we can see that there are many layers beneath its surface—moral lessons being just one part of them all. There are also themes relating to faith, hope, courage, suffering, friendship, etc., which come through strongly throughout the narrative structure. Furthermore, not only does 'Everyman' present these messages, but it also encourages us readers and audiences to take away our own interpretations from reading or watching this piece, thus allowing us to gain a greater understanding of ourselves and those around us.

In terms of literary significance today, due to its widespread recognition among scholars and general audiences alike, it continues to be relevant even after centuries since its first creation. As previously mentioned, apart from providing moral guidance, 'Everyman' offers valuable perspectives on matters such as dealing with difficult situations gracefully while staying true to yourself throughout the process, thereby giving the audience much-needed encouragement.

Ultimately, 'Everyman' stands out amongst other pieces belonging to the genre because it manages to convey a powerful message without sacrificing the entertainment factor either. Even though the plot is relatively straightforward, the characters introduced along the way help bring the whole experience to life for viewers. Watching the performance enables them to develop a bond between themselves and the protagonists, making the journey together far more meaningful and enjoyable than would otherwise be possible.