Romeo And Juliet Essay On Family Loyalty

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Loyalty is essential to every relationship we have in life that matters – friendship, family, community, country, faith. Loyalty is essential for genuine family solidarity but blind loyalty leads to family dysfunction. Family is the single most important influence in a child's life. From their first moments of life, children depend on parents and family to protect them and provide for their needs. Parents and family form a child's first relationships. They are a child's first teachers and act as role models in how to act and how to experience the world around them. Being loyal to family is most definitely important but taking the family loyalty to be more important than any other aspect of life isn't exactly healthy for people. We as humans were given a free will when we first came into this world. This means that we can do whatever, whenever and wherever but when humans first started to create the basic foundations of human civilization, they created a system of rules to enforced governed behaviour; this is known as law. These laws did limit us from doing certain things that would be counted as immoral or inappropriate but we were still given the ability to do whatever with our lifes. When we were first born and raised, we …show more content…

Tybalt’s unreasonable anger at finding Romeo at his family’s party was based on nothing more than a feeling of extremely unreasoning loyalty to his own family, the Capulet's. The Montague's and the Capulet's had a disagreement sometime ago and has been unremembered. So the bad feeling between the two families was just out of unreasoning loyalty, nothing else.Tybalt has no personal quarell with Romeo, only that he is a hated Montague crashing the Capulet party. Mercutio also demonstrates the extreme loyalty to Romeo when we began a duel with Tybalt after he insults Romeo. This results is tradegy as Merctio is killed by

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