Family Definition Essay

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Family is one of the most important things God blessed us with. Our society has grown up with the idea of the “American Dream” that consists of a perfect family, but what does this “perfect” family consist of? Family is who we find ourselves in, it’s who we form our identity with. Family shares the same blood and we are born into them, but the one thing that makes a family is the bond they share. A family is there for us through the good and bad times. When I look at my family, the first word that comes to mind is love. The love that we have towards each other is like none other. There is a bond between us all. That is what family should be like. Most of us grow up with a family that loves us unconditionally, but this can be shown in different …show more content…

Partial of the characteristics mentioned I do agree with and the rest are a characteristic that a family does not need to have. I believe that these characteristics should be a part of a family but they should not define if a family is “good” or not. “A family is any group of people who live together, share with one another, work together, care and support each other, keep each other safe and love each other” (Boys & Girls Club of America). I like this definition given of family because it is what I see that a family is. In the Bible, God created man and women to be together and to multiply. He created the aspect of a family. Howard’s list has some good points that a family can or cannot have but a family is what the family makes it. We all have different views of what we believe a family is, because we come from different backgrounds. Each family has its own characteristics that make it their own “perfect” …show more content…

Ephesians 6:1-2 says, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise” (NIV). The Bible tells us that we are to obey and honor our parents and that’s how I was raised. I grew up with two siblings and my parents. My family relationships have become such a vital part to my life. My love and loyalty to my family has shown through the love Christ showed for me. As a Christian, the relationships we have with people should reflect the way Christ loves us. God blessed us with the unity of family. Whether that be your biological family or the people you call family, we are blessed with those who love us. My family and I have a relationship that reflects the way we were all raised. Both of my parents did not have parents who were very loving and disciplinary. Therefore my brothers and I were shown deep love and discipline because my parents did not want us to go through what they went through as kids. My Christian faith has taught me to not take for granted the relationship I have with my family. They are there for me when I succeed and when I fail. We are a family that all believes in Jesus and trust in His plan for our lives. As a family, we have grown from the bad times to the good times because of Jesus Christ being our center. My relationship with each member of my family has its own place. I am learning each day how

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