Personal Narrative: My Journey To The Military

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My high school english teacher said that I noticed the small details in life, I wish it would’ve come in handy in any way than it did on the battlefield when I noticed the look on the medic's face as he examined my best friend. In high school I always found myself in some sort of trouble. Whether it be getting detention for being over an hour late for class, or if I was being suspended for fighting out in the corridor. When I graduated, I found myself hanging out with people that I shouldn't have been with, an abundance of people that I hung around, were either drug dealers or gang member, most times they were both. One day when I was with a few of my friends, there was a shooting over something gang related and I lost my best friend, Anthony. After that night I was determined to do something else with my life. That's when I learned about the military, I went to the local recruitment office and I signed up. I was going to be in the military. Going off the to military was easily the hardest thing I ever did in my life. I left for the military in June of 2016. I had decided to join the Navy, more specifically the Navy SEALS. I was almost through BUDS, that means basic underwater demolition- SEAL training, when I met Hoover. Hoover …show more content…

Hoover was on SEAL team 1 with me and we had now grown pretty close considering the fact that we were both the new guys and the veteran guys didn’t really want much to do with us. When we arrived in Afghanistan, we were placed at a FOB-(Forward Operating Base). We were told that at o’one hundred hours, we would be meeting the rest of the team. We just had enough time to unpack at our bunks and then we’d have to head to the chow hall to meet our team. Luckily Hoover moved fast so I didn’t have to wait for him once I was done unpacking. We walked over to the chow hall and saw the man who led us in and we walked over to

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