Why I Want To Be An Army Officer

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Since the time I was young, my grandfather instilled in me a deep respect and love for my country. I learned that we had freedom because many people would put on a uniform and risk their lives for our country to defend it. My grandfather told me about several people in my family who died while in service to this country and from a young age I wanted to be like them. I knew it was important to fight for our freedom and for our wonderful country like the many people in my family before me. My grandfather, who was in the invasion force in Japan during world war two is a big part of why I want to be an Army officer. When I first got to college I needed a way to pay for school, so I enlisted in the Army Reserves and was shipped out to basic combat training. At basic combat training I learned of the differences between an officer and an enlisted soldier. I had a phenomenal company commander who was a ROTC cadet who told me all about the program and the responsibilities of an officer. Once I returned from basic combat training I got in contact with the recruiter for UAB ROTC and joined the program. These decisions helped me pay for college, a big reason I initialed joined the Army. Some of the most significant reasons for me wanting to be an officer are having a stable career in a field where I can learn skills that I can use in the civilian world …show more content…

They must uphold the Army values as well as their own. They must demonstrate a commitment to being moral and ethical people so that their soldiers and their peers know that they are someone who as principle. Ultimately an Army officer must be good under pressure. They must know how to react without panicking in a difficult situation. Officers lead their men to battle and must have level heads and be calm when difficult situations arise. They must be quick thinkers and they must be able to think out of the box because many situations they will encounter require

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