Personal Narrative: A Christmas Play

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Adults all seem to love Christmas plays. Whether it’s the same old generic style or a comedy, they all enjoy the holiday season. However, most people don’t realize the torture of being the lead character. From hours of line study, to the embarrassment of wearing that horrible costume, to the agony of song motions. They all leave a lasting effect on your life. One of the most memorable plays I was in, for many reasons, was A Christmas Ho-Down. It was September 27, 2006. I had just walked into class and sat down for our Wednesday evening kids class at church. We do a Christmas play every year and it was time to start the practices. My mom, who was the director, walked to the front of the room and announced the title of the production. It was titled A Christmas Ho-Down, and consisted of western theme with a humorous twist. After a few minutes of discussion, she began to hand out scripts. I read the top of mine and realized I had been allotted the main roll as a cowboy named Bradley. My costume was a flannel shirt, old blue jeans, a cowboy hat, and a pair of boots. I was suppose to have a thick southern accent and a long, drawn out walk. For the rest of the evening we …show more content…

I despised being in front of people, I couldn't stand memorizing lines, and all the songs were so childish. But now, looking back, I see what it all meant. It wasn't about the comedy, the boredom of study, or the hatred of poorly written songs. It was about that one moment. A single moment after weeks and months of preparation. Now I see how not everything we do in life is simple or quick. We all expect for results to be immediate but some situations need time to take place. When we’re working our way up to that moment we see the time as pointless, but when you reach that one moment, the one that changes your life and makes you say “thats it!”, that’s when you understand that it was all part of a plan much bigger than you and

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