Christmas Day Essay

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It was only August, yet, ludicrously it was starting to feel like Christmas: adverts on television, promoting all the latest 'must-have' toys and games, hotels advertising Christmas party bookings and stores already clearing shelves to make way for the festive merchandise. What is the true meaning of Christmas, a commercial enterprise or a religious festival? On the lead up to Christmas day, most retailers and hotels will make enormous profits encouraging us to celebrate Christmas, without any thought of the true meaning of this festive period. Ridiculous amounts of money are spent by families on tacky decorations, excessive amounts of Christmas food and the latest toys and games, subsequently leading to shocking money problems in the future. Without question, shops and businesses lure and tempt many people into buying the latest and greatest range of products at this time of year. Everywhere you seem to look, whether it be on television adverts or in commercial catalogues, businesses convince many people to splash out on the 'must-have' gadgets. Shops are even open on Christmas Day or up to the last hour on Christmas Eve; and sales begin at 6am on Boxing Day. Significantly, this is leading to a steadily increasing number of families facing severe debt and money issues. This huge pressure on families even sends divorce rates soaring at New Year! Christmas should not be a time of stress and worry, it should be a celebration of togetherness and good health. Many of the toys children receive on Christmas day are overrated, must have products, never to be seen after a couple of days' use. In the current economic crisis, people should be saving, not spending ludicrous amounts on throwaway gifts, most of which have no true meaning or... ... middle of paper ... ...u have and how many reindeer you can fit on your roof. Given the outrageous effort some people go to to ensure Christmas is celebrated extravagantly, the true meaning of why we actually celebrate it has been completely lost. Sadly, Christmas has becoming the victim of a completely commercialised world where society can't say no. Everyone always wants too much and never seem to stop to think about how Christmas is meant to be a time of joy and happiness. Christmas should be about giving, not receiving and certainly not about how many presents you get. Businesses should try and distance themselves from commercialisation and materialism and stop advertising for their Christmas stocks as early as August. Maybe then we would not be completely wrapped up in false pretentious views on Christmas and celebrate it for the true meaning- to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

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