Pay Gap Between Men And Women

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In the early 1800s till now things have changed dramatically between men and women. Women were not allowed to attend college with the opposite sex; however, now women are allowed to work the same the jobs as men (p.313). What would you do if someone told you that you could only be a house wife and nothing more? Luckily, times has changed. However, men still make more money. Is it because of our gender? It couldn't be because of our education. According to figure 10.7 the tables shows the difference between men and women among education. Throughout the table its ranges from ten thousand to almost fifty-one thousand pay gap from average workers to doctorate degree (p.317). So, what is the meaning of this pay gap? Is it our personal choices, or is it just something that is always going to be there? When kids were younger, we always had this idea of …show more content…

"The glass ceiling is a invisible barrier that prevents women from reaching the executive suites, meaning the top level of work" (p. 319). This is all because of stereotypes. Something that teach children in schools, to never judge a person and give them a label. However, this is exactly what they are doing between men and women. " It is common for men, who dominate leadership, to have the stereotype that women are good at 'support' but less capable than men of leadership" (p.319). This is basically saying that women are not capable enough to reach higher standards and be a part of something much bigger then 'support'. This one of the many reasons why women don't go on to reach bigger and better things because of stereotypes. Women go to school, and can be anything that any male could ever be. Pay gaps should no longer even be an option because of the progress we have made from the earlier years because women can now be anything they want to be and should be paid the same amount of

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