I Am Frog's Poem 'The Indefinable You'

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The Indefinable You From any of the various lily pads on the Lake, all this stuff is incomprehensible. It's all paradox. Unity is the same as Separation? Absolute truth is equal to Relative truth? That's crazy! But from within the Lake—from the I AM frog's perspective—it's all Truth. It's all the same. It's all just this. You are the frog in the Lake. You are the Artist painting with the I AM Aspect. You are a finger pushing into an aquarium. You are a current in the Ocean. You are… "Wait a minute!" you shout in frustration. "Those are just characters in silly stories! Parables and metaphors and similes! They are stupid and imprecise and I want answers! You go on and on about how 'I may be a mystic but I'm a rational mystic.' Well lah-tee-dah. I want answers. Rational answers. I want something that makes sense. What am I? What am I really?" …show more content…

If you say, "I am Awareness," then you are wrong. If you say, "I am God," then you are wrong. If you say, "I am [insert any noun]," then you are wrong. I didn't just make up the term "I AM" when I named this Aspect. I blatantly stole it. I stole it from a great Indian sage who, recognizing the difference between the perceived and the perceiver—between the defined and the indefinable—said, I am, but I can't be this or that. — Nisargadatta

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