Universe Essays

  • A Universe with no Preexistence

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    been recorded there has been interest in how the universe came to be. The science community seems to agree that the big bang was what created the universe, but there are many conflicting arguments surrounding what existed before the big bang and what initiated it. While there are nearly infinite responses to this question, there are only two paths one can take when answering it; either something existed prior to the big bang or the entire universe came from nothing. Lawrence M. Krauss, acclaimed

  • The Origins of the Universe

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    Who or what made the universe? How did it begin? Humans have always wondered: Has the universe always existed like we see it now, or did it somehow start all of a sudden? In the past century, it was discovered that the universe was expanding and people wondered why. These are the questions the Big Bang theory tries to answer. While no one is completely sure of all the details about it, the big bang is the most widely accepted theory about the beginnings of our universe. The big bang theory states

  • Birth of the Universe

    3752 Words  | 8 Pages

    of the Universe Your universe, as we have suggested many times, as we've suggested already this morning, is but one universe among many. It is relatively a small universe — not to suggest that you should feel badly … {laughter} … for despite the consensus reality that bigger is better, despite the male-dominating energy and the comparative energies that say "bigger is better," your universe, though relatively small, is not at all diminished by its size. Now we know the word universe by its

  • The Expansion of the Universe

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    Scientist say in the universe the big bang theory is happening this very day and the universe is expanding is so many directions and in high speeds and the universe is expanding every day, every second, every hour, minute, second and every millisecond. In this next article I got most my info on http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~yukimoon/BigBang The galaxies that are not inside of us are really moving away and the ones that are farther away are moving away the fastest and we don't know why.That also means

  • Origin of the Universe

    4117 Words  | 9 Pages

    The Origin of the Universe Since the dawn of intelligent man, humanity has speculated about the origins of the universe. There is evidence, which indicates that the universe started around 15 billion years ago. This is probably the greatest discovery imaginable; however, the universe still seems to be a very controversial subject. Most scientists agree that there was a beginning but there is a lot of speculation of how it (the universe) actually started. The much-celebrated Greek philosopher

  • The Early Universe

    1535 Words  | 4 Pages

    Early Universe Discuss the first three minutes after the Big Bang and describe processes responsible for creation of atomic matter. At t=0 there was no space and no time. The prevalent theory today, describing the origin of the universe and where it all began is the Big Bang theory. Scientists believe that our almost 14 billion-year-old universe could at one point fit in the palm of one’s hand. In the beginning there was nothing. No space and no time but then came light. A tiny speck of light

  • The Structure of the Universe

    2322 Words  | 5 Pages

    The way in which we currently view the structure of the universe has been developed throughout centuries by various astronomers whose predictions and observations have all aided in the development of this model. Aristotle based his model of the universe on Pythagorean theory which described the Earth as a sphere. His claims of a round Earth were reinforced by three observations. The first of these was that all Earthly matter moved towards the centre of the Earth, and this would consequently produce

  • Holographic Universe

    1830 Words  | 4 Pages

    Holographic Universe In autumn of 1992, one of the world's greatest contemporary physicists passed away. David Bohm, whose work inspired many people all over the world, died in London. David Bohm's contributions to science and philosophy are profound, and they have yet to be fully recognized and integrated on the grand scale. David Bohm was born on December 20, 1917, in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Bohm was fascinated by the dazzling concepts of cosmic forces and vast expanses of space that

  • Life In A Distance Universe: Life In A Distance Universe

    2061 Words  | 5 Pages

    Life in a Distance Universe What is life in terms of a planet? What is life in terms of a galaxy? What is life in terms of a solar system? More importantly does some type of “life” exist in another universe somewhere? In order to answer this timeless question one must first answer what is life. From there once the definition of “life” is established, and then we can research, investigate, and come to a conclusion of whether life exists in another universe somewhere. It must be said that we might

  • Taking a Look at the Universe

    655 Words  | 2 Pages

    given by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA, the universe is a system consisting of all matter and energy, as well as all of the contents of space as a whole. (Dunbar, Canright) The birth of the universe resulted in the creation of all of the things that we know today, yet, its true origin is unknown. I know what you’re thinking. “If the origin of the universe is unknown, then how do we know how the universe began”? Well, this question has baffled scientists for decades. No exact

  • Aristotelian Universe Dbq

    791 Words  | 2 Pages

    and wondered where we came from and why we are here. It was this fascination that lead scientists and philosophers to explore the Universe for answers. Over time these answers varied depending on what religion, ideas and technology was available to them. Some believed in an Aristotelian Universe centred around the Earth where others believed in the Copernican Universe which placed our sun in the centre. Most theories were dispelled due to the religious connotations and that it went against their

  • The Expanding and Accelerating Universe

    919 Words  | 2 Pages

    In 1998 The Accelerating expansion of the Universe was discovered by two competing groups of scientists called the Supernova Cosmology Project and the High-Z Supernova Search Team that were led by Saul Perlmutter, Adam Reiss, and Brian Schmidt. And In 2011 they were awarded noble prizes in physics for their discovery of the accelerating expansion of the Universe. They did so by applying new technologies like computers and digital cameras to study and measure the spectrum and brightness of the light

  • Number In The Natural Universe

    1120 Words  | 3 Pages

    Within the natural universe exists number that is absolute with or without human creation. However, in many ways number is warped to fit human understanding. Mankind has quantified what is found in the universe, such as the motion of the planets, in order to better understand nature in respect to the human soul (Nicomachus Ch. 3, 6). And though there are aspects of number that remain true outside of human intellect, there are still instances in which the character of number crosses the line from

  • A Universe of Mathematical Laws

    880 Words  | 2 Pages

    A Universe of Mathematical Laws Galileo instigated one of the most important scientific changes in history. He developed many new ideas and ways of gathering information which he used to hypothesize new theories. He used his ability to persuade and changed the way science was thought of forever. He developed a new instrument called the telescope and discovered a wide variety of new information about the universe. This information would eventually influence scientists, theologians, and basically

  • Cosmological Scale Of The Universe

    1480 Words  | 3 Pages

    plagues researchers involved in these areas of study. However, before people can even begin to really understand these ideas, they must first acquire a basic understanding of the nature and scope of the universe, at least as much is possible for the human mind. The cosmological scale of the universe is so much larger than we as human beings can hope to comprehend in an intuitive manner. To gain an appreciation of this scale, consider the following, the average human being is about 1.7 m

  • The Creation Of The Universe Essay

    1193 Words  | 3 Pages

    the world and the entire universe is a matter that scientist are still studying to this day. There are so many unanswered questions that beginning to answer them is to try to empty the ocean using only a bucket. Even in ancient times many cultures pondered over the creation of the universe. The origin of the universe is still uncertain, but given creation tales of the Pima, Iroquois, and Christians, one could conclude that there is a Supreme Being that created the universe. The first theory to exam

  • The Heat Death Of The Universe

    1116 Words  | 3 Pages

    surroundings as if it were their own 'little world';, creating tunnel vision to the array of the actual real world and all the things that occur in it. Pamela Zoline addresses this and many other issues in the short story, 'The Heat Death of the Universe';. This piece reports the abstract, somewhat crazy thoughts, of the world from an ordinary housewife to the reader. At first, these thoughts appear to be coming from a severely confused and mentally unstable person, with no point what so ever. Contrary

  • Creation Of The Universe And Ife

    592 Words  | 2 Pages

    The creation of the Universe and Ife is about a god name Obatala and how he created the land and human. He came down from the sky, created an actual world with plants, animals, homes and human. After getting drunk he made some humans deformed. He promised to take extra care of them. The human race was almost extinct because of the goddess of the sea. In my opinion the Supreme Being in the creation myth entitled in the story The Creation of the Universe and Life is this god who goes by the name Olorun

  • Unresponsive Universe Frankenstein

    1556 Words  | 4 Pages

    Man’s Confounding Relationship With an Unresponsive Universe Humanity has continuously fumbled around in the dark, searching for a light that may shed knowledge on the plethora of questions we constantly ask ourselves. Unfortunately, the universe is often reluctant to answer these questions. How do we respond? By stumbling around in the dark together, attempting to explain the silence through philosophy and religion, conceiving humanity’s strongest ideas. From Plato’s enlightened theory of the forms

  • Hazards from the Universe

    1076 Words  | 3 Pages

    Hazards from the Universe There are several perilous conditions that exist in our vast universe that could directly impact life as we know it on Earth. These hazards include meteors, asteroids, emission of charged solar particles, supernovas, and problems caused by man. Although the odds of these dangers directly harming Earth’s population are extremely low, if not impossible altogether, something about pending apocalypse seems to excite the human mind. The possibility of a meteorite or asteroid