Globalization In The Eastern Congo

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Globalization is an ever present occurrence in today's day and age. this is directly tied to the fact that with increased technology and forms of communications, the world is no longer a place where one expects a response to letter in months instead of days. Nor is it a place where certain objects are unattainable due to the fact that they are made on the other side of the world. Globalization is defined as the circulation of people, technology, money and ideas around the world. However while the definition may be long the idea of globalization is broken up into seven key debates. Using these debates it is possible to discuss how globalization affects the lives of the people of the world. The first debate that can be used to breakdown the …show more content…

The documentary goes over the 50 million tonnes of E waste that is shipped to Eastern Congo and how even though northern countries believe they are done with these products they still have untapped potential for the people of the Congo. Despite the benefits received from these products the health and environmental issues far outweigh the benefits. In the article on Coltan it is discussed how due to 80% of the world's coltan reserves being in the Congo many Congolese workers are employed as miners. This shows the totality of globalization and how it is implemented from resources to the trash of northern …show more content…

These show the ever present and constant aspects of globalization, for example in the article Climate Change and Population Displacement the author discusses how due to more natural disasters occurring many people are forced to flee their native homes in search of a safer environment, this is especially true for the southern islands of the pacific and the atlantic. This as well as the segment in the book that discusses how one T-shirt sold in the US has likely traveled more than most people since it was first picked as cotton show us that not only is globalization worldwide but it is something that is going to happen due to natural events or the products we

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