Genetic Engineering Essay

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1.6.1 Genetic engineering Genetic engineering depends on the location and analysis of genes on chromosomes and ultimately DNA sequencing. The early cartography of the genes used the principles of Mendelian genetics . It is assumed that alleles that are transmitted together side by side are located on the same chromosome : it is said that are connected or linkage . These genes form a bridging group - linkage group : are the same for gametes and are usually transmitted together , so they do not have independent distribution. Crossing-over occurring during meiosis may cause these alleles can be exchanged between the chromosomes of a homologous pair . By analyzing the frequency of crossovers for many different alleles can trace a linear map of each chromosome. Modern techniques , rather than the gene map , maps the map of the DNA within the gene itself : the positions of short sequences " marker " are used as markers signaling over the cromosssomas . Once a gene is discovered, it is necessary to unravel its base sequence prior to its function being studied . The sequencing has become easier with the development of methods for cloning the DNA - producing large amounts of identical fragments. In the method most widely used DNA sequencing , the chain is denatured into single strands . These are then used as templates for DNA synthesis , but such that replication to as the double helix reaches a certain growth in the mold base . In addition to provide DNA polymerase and the four bases, A - G -C- T, also using small amounts of these dideoxynucleotide bases. This is incorporated , as the normal bases, the double helix growth but prevent the continuation of the chain. The fragments are then separated by gel electrophoresis and the base seq... ... middle of paper ... ... for genetic diagnosis . Forensic genetics has other applications . The " fingerprint " DNA represents a valuable tool for forensic science . As is the case with an ordinary fingerprint genetic fingerprint is unique to each individual (except identical twins ) . The determination involves the observation of specific DNA sequences which can be obtained from extremely small tissue samples , hair, blood or eventually left at the scene . As Fifty microliters of blood, semen or five microliters of ten roots of hairs are enough , and nozzles secretions and cells from the fetus . In addition to its use in the capture of criminals , especially rapists , the genetic fingerprints can be used to establish family relationships . People involved in the conservation of species use them to be sure that captive breeding is among individuals who do not belong to the same family .

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