Genetic Engineering Argumentative Essay

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Within every human cell, there are sets of instruction codes called “genes”. We acquired these codes from our mother and father at conception in the form of chromosomes. The combination of these two sets of chromosomes creates a unique human being. Genes control and make decisions regrading every aspect of our body like our physical features and bodily systems. Gene therapy and genetic engineering are two related experimental technologies that involve changing the genetic codes within the cells of biological organisms (University of Missouri, 2016; Lister Hill Biomedical Communications, 2017). Gene therapy is used to repair genetic malignances like diseases, while genetic engineering is used to improve the functions of selective genes beyond …show more content…

The University of Missouri (2016) argued that humans take great pride in things like beauty, endurance, intelligence, certain behaviors, or personality factors, and people for years have been trying to improve these characteristics through things like physical activity, diet, or even surgery so why should we not use genetics to make it easier. The University of Missouri (2016) goes so far as to ask the question of why should we not be able to give our children the best genetic advantage possible. This type of modification has been coined “transhumanist” or genetically enhanced humans (Trivino 2012). These arguments, to me, are from a naturalist worldview. The naturalist views humans as only able to get better and better with the flow of technological. That we have total and complete control in how we govern our bodies and if we want to genetically change, for example, our IQ level eleven points higher, we should be able to. Counter to this naturalistic view, I find the idea of “transhumanist” to be biblically and inherently wrong and not essential in preserving human life. The verses Psalms 139:14-16 (King James Bible, 2017) states that we are beautifully made by our Lord exactly as He intended. The verse Psalms 119:73 (King James Bible, 2017) explains how our Lord molded us in His hands and we are to carry out His commands. Both of these scriptures give insight into how we aren’t the masters of our lives and we cannot control our physical and mental states. We are not given the authority to change anything about our physical bodies or how we think. We are beings meant for the Lord and to worship

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