Examples Of Scrooge In A Christmas Carol

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Scrooge Starts Showing Signs of Being a Hero? Like students, many stories that have heroes follow rules. Student usually follow rules to please their teachers and principals. Stories that have heroes also follow a very specific format, to please the reader/audience. This format is called “A Hero’s Journey”which includes the following restrictions; Status Quo, Call to Adventure, Assistance, Departure, Trials, Approach, Crisis, Treasure, Result, Return, New Life, and Resolution. However, if a student twists a rule a bit, they won’t get into much trouble. Therefore, when a story doesn’t follow the format precisely, is it still considered a hero’s story? The story at question is ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens. Justification that ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens does follow the hero’s journey. Is that it follows the format! The Status Quo is what the main character starts out like. , their disposition. Scrooge , the main character, is a very hostile and unmannerly, when we first meet him. The Call to Adventure is what prompts the character to go on this adventure, that will make them a hero. …show more content…

He may not be the traditional hero like Superman or Harry Potter. Nevertheless, he is a hero to Bob Cratchit and to Tiny Tim. His new outlook on life is a far cry from the old Scrooge. From being cranky, irascible, and uptight, to being what he is now; a hero. A hero is defined as a one who shows great courage. Scrooge showed plenty of courage when he went with the spirits willingly. Also when he looked passed all the bad he done, and he still relentless of the obstacles that were thrown at him, he could be compassionate. Scrooge though he didn’t follow the format precisely, doesn’t mean he isn’t a hero. Just as a student that breaks on rule, isn’t a good student. He has all the marks and traits of a hero. Scrooge deserves to be recognized as a hero. In view of the fact that he isn’t the end of the story a

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